"Measure Tool" reports inclination or not?

Started by wmiswm, September 11, 2015, 07:51:33 AM

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I wish to ask whether I can use the Oruxmaps "measure tool" to measure the "inclination angle" between the current location and a point of a specific direction if the DEM of that area is available.

The issue I encounter is that on one day, while I was hiking, I saw an object on a slope about 1Km away. If I walked closer to the object, trees would obstruct my sight of the object of interest. The object of interest is not marked on the map. To try to find out the co-ordinate of the object, I measured the bearing and inclination angle of the object relative to my current location. Then I used the "measure tool" to draw a line in the measured direction. The problem is that while I extend the line, even though I have the dem of that area, I cannot read the inclination angle directly from Oruxmaps. I have to calculate back and forth many times, using the elevation data and the Oruxmaps reported horizontal distance to derive the inclination angle, essentially by trial and error, to identify the location of the object of interest. The back and forth calculation was tedious esp at that moment I did not have pen and paper in hand.

I wonder whether I have missed any function of Oruxmaps in this regard.