Default Waypoint Type

Started by srlb12fr, February 29, 2020, 12:26:07 PM

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Is there a way to change the default icon type (Waypoint) to a custom waypoint type ?
Or is there a way to change the icon (png image) of the Waypoint waypoint type ?

The goal is to be able to create new icons quickly (without searching the list for a custum waypoint type) but to have less combersome icon than the default Waypoint waypoint type.


Quote from: srlb12fr on February 29, 2020, 12:26:07 PM

Is there a way to change the default icon type (Waypoint) to a custom waypoint type ?
Or is there a way to change the icon (png image) of the Waypoint waypoint type ?

The goal is to be able to create new icons quickly (without searching the list for a custum waypoint type) but to have less combersome icon than the default Waypoint waypoint type.

But it is a good improvement.
I will add that option in a future version,



On the subject of waypoints. How do you change the size of the waypoint not the font but the actual icon?



Quote from: rockytop on April 21, 2020, 10:21:11 PM
On the subject of waypoints. How do you change the size of the waypoint not the font but the actual icon?

The icon size can not be changed,
