problem with composite map - second layer will not show

Started by gerdsuper, August 02, 2020, 01:18:16 PM

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i have a problem with building a composite map.
I would like to add a few layers of this map:,ch.bafu.bundesinventare-auen,ch.bafu.bundesinventare-hochmoore,ch.bafu.bundesinventare-flachmoore_regional,ch.bafu.bundesinventare-flachmoore,ch.bafu.bundesinventare-jagdbanngebiete,ch.bafu.schutzgebiete-schweizerischer_nationalpark,ch.bafu.bundesinventare-trockenwiesen_trockenweiden&layers_opacity=0.9,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75,0.75&bgLayer=ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe&zoom=3.7016490744503514&topic=ech&E=2615664.78&N=1152355.11

to a base map, lets say Topo4U:

If i wan`t to create the composite map orux tells me that maps with different projections can´t
be combined. Basemap has MERCATORESFERICA and other layer has WGS84.

Is there a way to change one of these projections ?
I think its only a small mistake, because other composite maps work great, but i don´t get it...

Another problem is that i can only see zoom levels betweent 0-11 for the map.geo.admin layers.
But in their own homepage all zoom levels are visible.
Maybe this is due to license issues?
In this thread:

Orux is writing something about necessary projection, but i don`t really understand.

I did other composite maps with on- and offline maps and WMS-layer witout problems.
All of it looks very the same, but this i can`t get to work...
Maybe somebody can help me out...
THX, Henning