Toggle button for "show track"/ "don't show track"

Started by pronom77, August 08, 2020, 10:04:48 PM

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is it possible to provide a button for fast toggling between show/ don't show track?

My question beacuse: Sometimes I get a an GPX file. First thing I do is to follow the track at home on my phone to see which places I will cross.
Also I check if I can go all the way with my road bike. But often I can't see the type of path/ street under the track and I have to delete the complete track, check the type of path/ street and reload the track.



great idea - same functionality can be found in komoot, too


Not exactly what you want but a good workaround
set in settings>tracks/routes...:
    route line width : 8px
    route path effect ... dashed : ON
    colored path with slope : OFF
This way you can easily see the kind of way under the route