BRouter-created routes: How to deactivate routings signs?

Started by hans1, August 27, 2020, 11:37:23 PM

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Oruxmaps 7.4.22 + BRouter

After using Brouter to create a route, i get this route with lots of signs like (turn right, turn left) included into the map.
I would prefer to exclude these information and just get the dashed colored trackline displayed without these pictograms included. How can I avoid them? I found how activate distance marks, but not how deactivate these rouing signs.
Any idea?

best regards


Hi Hans,

Can't look into OM 7.4.22 now, but in "OruxMaps 8.0.7 GP" in settings->Waypoints, i have 2 possibilities:

"No icons" or
"Minimum zoom level Waypoints" (e.g. set that to 20)



Thank You Matt,

for this perfectly helpful answer.
I'm still not confident with the nomenclature and didn't identify the routing signs as waypoints. Now I learned, that a route is a sequence of waypoints.

May be You can teach me a bit more:
What is the strategy, in which case a waypoint is created by BRouter? My observation: While following a street, which is perfectly linear, at a few crossings there are waypoints telling to continue straight while at other crossings there is no hint like that. Sometimes I get signs like that at each crossing and at other places there is no waypoint for many kilometers.

best regards


Hello Hans,

i have no clue about the BRouter algorithm to create these waypoints/turn-instructions.

On my older phone, i just played a bit in one of the cycling profiles (fastbike.brf, i believe) from BRouter.
E.g. setting "turnInstructionMode" to "0" and changing parameter of "stick_to_cycleroutes".

I am sure  you get better help on this at the BRouter side:

Best wishes