Android wear

Started by Tobsn, May 06, 2016, 11:31:40 AM

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I will try the Google Maps Cache on my Tablet to delete.

Then the (useless) map should disappear.

It is only a rough overview on the smartwatch display.

When I'm online (3G), the tiles loaded and displayed on the smartwatch - right?

If I'm offline (3G) stored tiles are still displayed on the smartwatch - right?

Greeting Frank


I have the cache Google Maps deleted.

On the smartphone or tablet no map is displayed (offline).

However, the map is still displayed on the smartwatch.

Even after restarting the smartwatch, the card sit there.

One area of the map are very accurate. All other areas are blurred.

Thus, the map is hidden on the smartwatch.

@orux: In which directory?


Google Maps Offlinekarten Settings (gear wheel)

Download settings

- Wifi (Standard)

- Wifi or 'mobil network'



I'm using OM since more than 4 years, and since four weeks, I'd tried to use the Sony SWR50 with OM. As described in Android-Hilfe-Forum, the experiment of connecting Smartwatch and Smartphone (Sony Z5c and SWR50) was full of disappointment.

Since now, it is not possible, to display a route or track on the watch. Maps displaying became successful after changing the watch (!), updating all apks twice and deinstalling android wear app, shutting down the phone, restarting and reinstallation of android wear app again...

Sometimes, I felt like running through a labyrinth.

Know, I'm using OM 6.5.10 (no beta), Android 6.0.1 Build 32.2.A.0.253.

It's possible to start an stop tracks, but sometimes, the track disapears and is not saved.

I'm interested in further development of the waer app, because of battery saving, voice-command-control and esp. live-tracking-control while walking, hiking etc etc.

If necessary, I would (like to) pay an additional amount to support this dev.

Best regards, Joska


Hello Orux

Do you plan, to support more features of android wear. Today, it is possible to see and follow a loaded Route.gpx,  but is isn't possible, to watch an open live-recorded track. I think, this is an important feature for using an android smartwatch with Oruxmaps.

Best regards, Joska




3) The SMS / SOS button missing  :cry:

The smartphone may be in the backpack or in the jacket pocket.

The arm is mostly within reach  ;)

Best Regards


Hello Orux,

are you planing to support a standalone mode for Android Wear using the watch internal GPS for recording tracks?

I am using a Sony Smart Watch 3 for activities like running. At the moment I use the app Ghostracer which seems to be the ony app supporting Standalone mode and displaying the track later at the display of the phone.

Best regards


So seems Sony Smartwatch 3 will receive Android Wear 2.0...Hopefully that update won't break orux's app since it is useful.

Orux after Wear 2.0 gets out will you iron the bugs out so we at least have the existing functionality as we do now?


Hello Orux,

this is my first post.

I've been using OM for years for trekking on Italian southern mountains.

Congratulations for the app, clear and functional.

Reading this forum, I've noticed a difference with others users. I'll try to explain.

On my Sony SmartWatch 3, connected with a Sony Xperia Z2 (OM v6.5.10), in the map face I can see ONLY the route to be followed, without any indication about my position. My position is always centered on the watch screen (if I try to pan the map, it immediately move in order to center my position, but without any cursor).

Is it an error in my settings?

The second issue (minor): is it solved the problem with the impossibility to have the ambient monitor on P0-P1-P2 faces. How do you manage in order to save the battery?

Thanks a lot



Hi guys. I am new here. I always used the Orux app on my phone and love it. I recently bought a Casio Wsd-f20 smart watch and i noticed how poor the trekking apps are. The Casio activity app doesn`t follow routes(which i find ridiculous) and the Viewranger app works with a totally different kind of map and does not allow to move around the map, only zoom in or out. I am very frustrated about this watch. I was hoping that Orux would have a solution for this but, unfortunately, when i try to find the Orux app from appstore it doesn't show as a result. I think it might be some incompatibility with my android wear version. It would be sooooo perfect if i could save my tracklogs, follow routes and it would be even more perfect if i could use my offline opensource maps...

Is there a way i could help it happen?

Thanks everyone.


Hi guys. I am new here. I always used the Orux app on my phone and love it. I recently bought a Casio Wsd-f20 smart watch and i noticed how poor the trekking apps are. The Casio activity app doesn`t follow routes(which i find ridiculous) and the Viewranger app works with a totally different kind of map and does not allow to move around the map, only zoom in or out. I am very frustrated about this watch. I was hoping that Orux would have a solution for this but, unfortunately, when i try to find the Orux app from appstore it doesn't show as a result. I think it might be some incompatibility with my android wear version. It would be sooooo perfect if i could save my tracklogs, follow routes and it would be even more perfect if i could use my offline opensource maps...

Is there a way i could help it happen?

Thanks everyone.


SMS Button Very important for the safety

Thx in advance


Dear all, Did any of oyu have tried oruxmaps with tizen (samsung smartwatch system)? is it compatible?

Thank you


Do you have the last APK installer of OruxMaps for Android Wear? Can you share the download link?
