[Solved] Android 6.01 renamed SD card. no maps access

Started by Haran, May 23, 2016, 10:56:14 AM

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Samsung Note 4 just updated to Android 6.0.1.

My SD card used to be /storage/extSdCard, but after the update, is /storage/9C33-6BBD, breaking all internal app links that use the name.

Marshmallow renamed SD card. But now I can't guide the app to the external storage without root.

Set Oruxmaps to the new offline maps path. It appears "Error, Oruxmaps can't write in this directory".

So, no offline maps... I have to move them to internal storage... but there's not enough space.

Anyone else see this?



Solved! Tried to copy a maf folder to com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/ on SD.

Android asked me for SD permission, I granted it.

Now Oruxmaps is able to see the original folder with all maps inside.


Thank you for your post.

I have a similar problem.

Unfortunately I do not understand the fix. Could you please give more details on what you have finally done ?

Thank you in advance.