New 6.5.Xbeta version

Started by orux, May 23, 2016, 07:18:39 PM

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Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola a todos, he actualizado Android a la 6.0.1 y con la ultima beta (también con la última del Play) la pantalla no se apaga después del tiempo establecido. No se si es culpa de la versión de Android o de la de orux, pero en las últimas salidas, cada vez que la pantalla se enciende por algún aviso, tengo q apagarla manualmente.

Saludos cordiales.

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Creo que puede tener que ver con que cuando seleccionó la carpeta donde están las alturas, me dice que la carpeta esta vacía y no muestra ningún archivo. Ya he comprobado que si que están, seleccionando la misma carpeta con la versión del Play, me muestra correctamente todos los archivos. La carpeta esta ubicada en /sdcard/orux/alturas

Saludos cordiales

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Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola a todos, he actualizado Android a la 6.0.1 y con la ultima beta (también con la última del Play) la pantalla no se apaga después del tiempo establecido. No se si es culpa de la versión de Android o de la de orux, pero en las últimas salidas, cada vez que la pantalla se enciende por algún aviso, tengo q apagarla manualmente.

Saludos cordiales.

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Hola, he descubierto el problema, es lo que llaman retroiluminacion inteligente, que detecta que miras el móvil y no apaga la pantalla  :).  Pues eso, solucionado con desactivar tanta inteligencia...

Saludos cordiales

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Using 6.5.10beta8 the maps  reloads after some seconds - again and again.

I stay at same place.

Every circumtains as before with older beta.

(alcatel C1, android 4.2,  openmaps- and oziexplorer-maps on 32Gb /Class10 sd card)

It may be come from another reason, not the new sw. I do not know.


Hola, el modo inmersive con el móvil en horizontal hace que se cierre orux, cuando tratas de enseñar lo controles. También al girar la pantalla se desactiva el modo, continuamente. Esto me pasa en la última beta, con Android 6.0.1.

Cuando cargas una ruta pinchando en un fichero desde el exterior y diciendo que se muestre en orux y giras la pantalla, una y otra vez se vuelve a cargar la ruta.

Saludos cordiales.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


Hola otra vez, sigo con la ultima beta. Me he percatado de que cuando activas las pantalla los valores del cuadro de mandos no estan actualizados, tarda un par de segundos en poner el valor correcto. Miras, ves un dato, piensas que no puede ser, vuelves a mirar y ya está bien.

Saludos cordiales.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


A few bugs in beta8:

1) Elevations are now displayed correctly in the dashboard, but vertical speeds are still missing

2) "Maps current position" is broken. It doesn't show the correct list of maps, I'm missing one and "world" is shown instead. "switch map here" from menu or button works correctly. Sometimes the list is just empty. It always worked correctly in beta6. BTW "Maps current position" is wrong, it should be "Maps at current position"

3) Navigation drawer now remembers toggle state, but only for the last section that has been opened. I believe it should remember each section independently. A small cosmetic bug is that, when revealing the drawer, the toggle is initially shown in close position, and rotated afterwards, while the content is already expanded from the beginning. Looks odd, but no harm.

4) From the track list, when you correct the altitude of an existing track a new one is created but not immediately shown in the list, you have to close the list and open it again. Beta6 has the same problem, while it doesn't happen in the current Play Store version. BTW, it would be nice to add a suffix to the corrected track name, at least optionally, otherwise you have two tracks with the same name and it's confusing.

5) It often happens that when I unlock the phone after a ride the recorded track shows a straight line from the last point to north-west. It disappears when zooming but not when panning. Just a cosmetic bug, the track itself is fine.

There is also a long standing issue in every version which isn't actually your fault but maybe you can help alleviate... When connecting the phone to the PC the gpx files aren't immediately visible. I'm told it doesn't happen with Samsung phones, but it's very common for devices running stock Android. Google marked the bug as "obsolete" without fixing it,"> ... l?id=38282">

but the guys at Stackoverflow have suggested some methods for the apps to bypass the bug and force the MTP cache refresh"> ... es-via-mtp">

I can't understand the code, but looks like with a few extra lines of code you can solve the problem.




Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola, el modo inmersive con el móvil en horizontal hace que se cierre orux, cuando tratas de enseñar lo controles. También al girar la pantalla se desactiva el modo, continuamente. Esto me pasa en la última beta, con Android 6.0.1.

Cuando cargas una ruta pinchando en un fichero desde el exterior y diciendo que se muestre en orux y giras la pantalla, una y otra vez se vuelve a cargar la ruta.

Saludos cordiales.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


se desactiva el modo inmersivo si lo has activado desde el botón, no si está configurado 'permanente' desde la configuración; revisaré esta función.

sobre que se carga repetidamente la ruta, prueba la última beta,



Quote from: "Maki"A few bugs in beta8:

1) Elevations are now displayed correctly in the dashboard, but vertical speeds are still missing

2) "Maps current position" is broken. It doesn't show the correct list of maps, I'm missing one and "world" is shown instead. "switch map here" from menu or button works correctly. Sometimes the list is just empty. It always worked correctly in beta6. BTW "Maps current position" is wrong, it should be "Maps at current position"

3) Navigation drawer now remembers toggle state, but only for the last section that has been opened. I believe it should remember each section independently. A small cosmetic bug is that, when revealing the drawer, the toggle is initially shown in close position, and rotated afterwards, while the content is already expanded from the beginning. Looks odd, but no harm.

4) From the track list, when you correct the altitude of an existing track a new one is created but not immediately shown in the list, you have to close the list and open it again. Beta6 has the same problem, while it doesn't happen in the current Play Store version. BTW, it would be nice to add a suffix to the corrected track name, at least optionally, otherwise you have two tracks with the same name and it's confusing.

5) It often happens that when I unlock the phone after a ride the recorded track shows a straight line from the last point to north-west. It disappears when zooming but not when panning. Just a cosmetic bug, the track itself is fine.

There is also a long standing issue in every version which isn't actually your fault but maybe you can help alleviate... When connecting the phone to the PC the gpx files aren't immediately visible. I'm told it doesn't happen with Samsung phones, but it's very common for devices running stock Android. Google marked the bug as "obsolete" without fixing it,"> ... l?id=38282">

but the guys at Stackoverflow have suggested some methods for the apps to bypass the bug and force the MTP cache refresh"> ... es-via-mtp">

I can't understand the code, but looks like with a few extra lines of code you can solve the problem.




1.-current vertical speed is enabled only if variometer is on. It is a value in meters/second and uses the barometer, it is for aeronautic sports. It is difficult to calculate in other sports because of wrong altitude values coming from GPS.

2,3,4,5.-test the last beta

About issues with MTP - USB, I will try in next version,



Just published a beta version in google play:">

That beta version will be a quick update for current google play version. It does not contain the updates that are in the beta of this thread.



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola, el modo inmersive con el móvil en horizontal hace que se cierre orux, cuando tratas de enseñar lo controles. También al girar la pantalla se desactiva el modo, continuamente. Esto me pasa en la última beta, con Android 6.0.1.

Cuando cargas una ruta pinchando en un fichero desde el exterior y diciendo que se muestre en orux y giras la pantalla, una y otra vez se vuelve a cargar la ruta.

Saludos cordiales.

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


se desactiva el modo inmersivo si lo has activado desde el botón, no si está configurado 'permanente' desde la configuración; revisaré esta función.

sobre que se carga repetidamente la ruta, prueba la última beta,


Corregido orux, ya no se recarga la ruta. Gracias

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Hola, "busca ruta" solo muestra los controles en mode inmersive, pongo imagen">

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Quote from: "Quercus.JB"Hola, "busca ruta" solo muestra los controles en mode inmersive, pongo imagen">

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


actualizada la beta, debe funcionar ahora,



Ahora funciona mejor, pero si cambias el modo cuando los controles están en pantalla, no se recolocan. Por mi vale así. También he visto el efecto en otras opciones que usan los mismos controles.

Saludos cordiales

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk


Hola ORUX,

It is possible, that newer versions needs "stronger" hw?

My alcatel c1 working well, with older beta, but after ~ the loading of maps more slower than before...(it seems frozen the process, some times it stop at half filled screen)

Or it is my fault?


The coloured route is extremely useful. Like it, next week we do a big trip in the alps. Will be helpful then.

Maybe in future in combination with the arrows,  to see the direction :-)