New 6.5.Xbeta version

Started by orux, May 23, 2016, 07:18:39 PM

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Quote from: "Maki"
Quote from: "miguelcurto"Would be nice to have a persistent way of adding custom online sources that wouldn't get wiped with every new install.

The problem is that OruxMaps is currently using one single XML file that holds the info for all the online map sources. I think too that one file for each source, like MOBAC does for example, would be more manageable. The coolest thing would be to adopt the same MOBAC file format.

I am going to add a new folder in maps folder, to allow a custom xml that is not going to be changed by the app.



Quote from: ""On my trip today I found one little Bug.

In the Map  I click on a Wpt.

A popup opens.  This popup  I can not close with the BACK key.

I have to press "Accept". Can you add a cancel button,  which is bound with the back button?

That would be more intuitive for me,  and would be easier done while biking.

Maybe replace "accept" with "cancel"

The new  "appdrawer"(correct name?) could have some finetunings.

Maybe merging the entires of "track route tools" with "track/routes"


Each theme should have a tools icon to access the corresponding settings of this theme.

If "elevate and subtheme city" is active, the menue entry should change to "elevate/city" maybe marked with a green button.

What do you think?

Best wishes,



it is not easy to change the settings of a map theme without having it loaded in a map.

I will try to add a setting for each theme in a future version,



Quote from: "carioco"Llevando inclinometro como llevan los teléfonos no se podría sacar el % de ese sensor??


la inclinación actual no es sencilla de calcular usando los datos del gps, porque son muy imprecisos. Es fácil hacia atrás, usando diversos algoritmos, pero no la inmediata.

de todas formas puedes hacer visibles los datos del sensor magnético y acelerómetros en el cuadro de mandos (inclinación y ladeo). Una pega es que sólo se pueden resetear (poner a cero desde el TC-3 de la vista donde se ve una brújula con un inclinómetro en el interior, o en el visor de mapas, si lo pones apaisado y en el panel lateral pones esa vista, la de la brújula con el inclinómetro en el interior.



Quote from: "orux"
- Mapsforge "Map language" for multilingual maps should only display the languages that are contained in the map, not all languages that OruxMaps support.

I need to find a way to manage that, because it should be a setting for each map.

The language can be found in the map's file-header, see here (language(s) preference):"> ... ile-header">


Quote from: "eartrumpet"
Quote from: "orux"
- Mapsforge "Map language" for multilingual maps should only display the languages that are contained in the map, not all languages that OruxMaps support.

I need to find a way to manage that, because it should be a setting for each map.

The language can be found in the map's file-header, see here (language(s) preference):"> ... ile-header">

Yes, the API also includes a call to get the supported languages,

A new beta version available in the first post.


First short test:

1.New folder for onlinemapsource is a big improvement

2. When clicking a wpt. the text "accept" is replaced with "ok", bound with the back key. Much better now.

3.when loading a route I see the Name of the route on the map. With BIIIIGGG letters, wanted?




Brief test with onlinesources in beta13:

It works,but...the path isn't indexed to folder for mapfiles chosen in OM settings.

By default my ROM installs to internal storage (Cyanogenmod12 - Android5.1) and I've moved OM to SDCard, I've setup the path to "mapfiles" in OM to SDCard, but OM can only see my custom "onlinemapsources.xml" if I put it in: /my internal storage/oruxmaps/mapfiles/customonlinemaps.

Will be testing further but I've noticed the tweak settings for mapsforge themes are back. Yay! :)

Oh, and there is still a folder named "Onlinemapsources" in the "Offline Maps" tab ;)

BTW: I mostly use OM for mountainbiking, and I always use gloves, so I mostly use volume keys to zoom in/out.But many times while panning the map I accidental zoom in. Is there any way to completely disable zoom in/out with gestures?

Ty in advance and ty for your work.


Quote from: ""


The app was using absolute values for wpt letter size; now it is using a pixel size independent value. Probably you was using not the default value.

You can change the size in configuration--user interface--tracks--letter size.


Hi José,

that setting I had not found.

It was 36px, now I set it to16px.

A bit crazy point for that setting ;-)

Now out looks good,  thanks.




a beta14 update, with minor changes,



Hello Orux

New improvements for android wear?

Parallel installation of donate-version and beta leads to failed android wear installation, not in all but often cases. With both apps installed, the feature of shown red route (beta 13) yesterdeay failed in both apps. After deinstalling the beta und unpairing watch and phone, restarting an re-paring, the donate-version ist well again. Sometimes you'd said, it could be an interference between both apps....

Regards, Joska


Quote from: "orux"
The app was using absolute values for wpt letter size; now it is using a pixel size independent value. Probably you was using not the default value.


If at all possible, I think that this kind of changes should be made automatically. For example if I have a 320 dpi device and I've set the font to 24, just change it to 12 at first launch after the update. Don't even tell me, it's just a number, the only thing I care about is that the font size on screen is the usual one. Personally I have no problems, I'm used to reset the preferences for beta testing purposes, but I imagine the screams of the average users when this hits the Play Store.

Also, please, when you change something tell us what to test. "new libraries" means nothing to us. :-)



No indicator is displayed heart rate.">">


Why does the tranpsparent button bar in the beta14-version requires andoid 5.0? In the 6.5.10 it worked with andoid 4.4 .">

Best Regards,
