New 6.5.Xbeta version

Started by orux, May 23, 2016, 07:18:39 PM

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Quote from: "Holiday"Hi Orux,

Thank you for a wonderful app. I wonder, whether all the words in Arrays and Strings are entered. Please, if you could in the next beta version update the Slovenian language, because I currently translated all the Arrays and Strings and I could verify the correctness of the words for the next official version of OM.


I am going to work with the translations in the next beta versions,



Quote from: "Josean"Muy buenas!

Orux, he tratado de usar la última beta 3b y cuando inicio sensores, al conectar con mi pulsometro ant+, observó que alguna vez se queda pillado y no muestra dato de pulsaciones, sólo hay dos guiones, ni dice el mensaje de voz de la zona de pulsaciones. Cuando si conecta muestra en pantalla las pulsaciones pero el primer mensaje de voz dice siempre 0%Z0. Luego echas a correr y no me canta ninguna de las variaciones en la zona de pulsaciones ( no he llegado a correr con esta versión un km no obstante para saber si a cada km dice bien las estadísticas). He regresado a la beta 2 y funciona de manera correcta.

Saludos y gracias. Josean.


No se Orux si llegaste a ver este mensaje, pero he instalado la  beta 5 y persiste el problema.

Gracias. Saludos Josean.


Quote from: "Josean"
Quote from: "Josean"Muy buenas!

Orux, he tratado de usar la última beta 3b y cuando inicio sensores, al conectar con mi pulsometro ant+, observó que alguna vez se queda pillado y no muestra dato de pulsaciones, sólo hay dos guiones, ni dice el mensaje de voz de la zona de pulsaciones. Cuando si conecta muestra en pantalla las pulsaciones pero el primer mensaje de voz dice siempre 0%Z0. Luego echas a correr y no me canta ninguna de las variaciones en la zona de pulsaciones ( no he llegado a correr con esta versión un km no obstante para saber si a cada km dice bien las estadísticas). He regresado a la beta 2 y funciona de manera correcta.

Saludos y gracias. Josean.


No se Orux si llegaste a ver este mensaje, pero he instalado la  beta 5 y persiste el problema.

Gracias. Saludos Josean.


lo he probado con mi pulsómetro ant y no he notado problemas, volveré a intentarlo.

¿has configurado las pulsaciones mínimas en tu perfil?



First one note about translations, since the subject has been raised: I usually do not translate beta versions, for the simple reason that they are supposed to change before release. For example you just removed the need to restart for some preferences to take effect, so that string in the preferences will be changed. It's very difficult to keep track about these changes. I think it would be useful to tell when you are about to release the new version.

About beta3b. I used it on the field yesterday, no issues except for the fact that the timings in the statistics are totally out of this world. Tried again today, same problem. I got one crash today, but it didn't prompt me to send a report and I don't even remember exactly what I was doing. Looks like the problem is still present in beta5.

Quote from: "orux"
Map tweaks-> you changes how you see the current map, map tools-> you use tools about the map; not sure if the words are correct :)


Yes, but... it's 6 elements in total, why not to merge them? One less string to translate, one less thing to think about.

Quote from: "orux"
Menus position:"> ... re-app-bar"> 'A menu is a temporary sheet of paper that always overlaps the app bar, rather than behaving as an extension of the app bar.' It is the standard behaviour.

That's right, but... Google is actually just saying that the menu has a higher z-index than the action bar. The problem is that Oruxmaps is not really the average Android app. In some aspects it's much more like a traditional PC app, and the menu is an example of that. The "average" Android app has a few buttons (that *directly* perform an action) and an overflow menu (the three dots) for infrequently used actions/commands. So there is actually usually only one menu and it's on the extreme right of the screen and when you open it you don't obscure it with your finger. Note also that the menu on the Google guidelines page doesn't start at the edge of the screen, but somewhat lower: again it's all about z-index. Of course Oruxmaps has too much stuff to fit in a single menu, so we have 4+overflow which is very PC-like. I have no problems with the overflow or map menu, but my finger is obscuring the first three items in the track menu. Make it start a bit lower (like in the google example, or even more) and expand it to the left rather than to the right and things will be much more readable, at least for right handed people.

Quote from: "orux"
About 'navigation drawer'. Yes and no; you can find a lot of apps that include all the menus in the navigation drawer. The problem is that, if there is no action bar, or the action bar is used only for 'actions', there is no place where to put 'menus'. For example, Google Maps, there is no action bar, all is in the navigation drawer. I want to do the navigation bar fully configurable, the user will be able to select between a bunch of different actions/options.

Well, in Google Maps there is no menu at all, the navigation drawer brings you to different screens there are not *commands* there. IMHO it's a mistake to make action bar and navigation drawer alternatives, they should just complement each other. There is zero gain in moving a menu from the top to the left of the screen. I still need to do the same number of taps to perform the same action. Let's make an example and compare the old app with the new beta. I want to switch profile.

Old app:

1) tap to reveal the action bar (it's hidden)

2) tap on the overflow menu

3) tap profiles

4) tap the profile I need

5) chose "load"

6) tap the back arrow to go to the map

New beta:

1) swipe from left to reveal the drawer

2) tap on profiles

3) tap the profile

It's so much more convenient, and note that point 2 could even be skipped if you are switching frequently, by remembering toggle state. Here we have a massive gain in usability, I will never use the menu for switching profiles again. Actually I never really used profiles because they were an hassle, now I'm using them more!

Now let's "switch map here".

Old app:

1) tap to reveal the action bar (it's hidden)

2) tap on the map menu

3) tap switch map here

4) tap the map I need

New beta:

1) swipe from left to reveal the drawer

2) tap on maps

3) tap switch map here

4) tap the map I need

There is just no gain, it's exactly the same thing. You did a lot of work and we are back to square one. Of course it's your free time, but... :-)

Just list the maps and give me direct access with one tap. That would be a progress.

Quote from: "orux"
Test the immersive mode, it works in a different way with support library than with the old libraries.

Test the new option to change the UI without restart.

So far so good, it seems to work flawlessly.

I also noticed the change in the preferences about the dashboard controls (it wasn't in the changelog). Very nice. I'd also automatically move to the top the selected controls, since those are the only ones that are worth sorting.

Thanks for all this work.



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "Josean"
Quote from: "Josean"Muy buenas!

Orux, he tratado de usar la última beta 3b y cuando inicio sensores, al conectar con mi pulsometro ant+, observó que alguna vez se queda pillado y no muestra dato de pulsaciones, sólo hay dos guiones, ni dice el mensaje de voz de la zona de pulsaciones. Cuando si conecta muestra en pantalla las pulsaciones pero el primer mensaje de voz dice siempre 0%Z0. Luego echas a correr y no me canta ninguna de las variaciones en la zona de pulsaciones ( no he llegado a correr con esta versión un km no obstante para saber si a cada km dice bien las estadísticas). He regresado a la beta 2 y funciona de manera correcta.

Saludos y gracias. Josean.


No se Orux si llegaste a ver este mensaje, pero he instalado la  beta 5 y persiste el problema.

Gracias. Saludos Josean.


lo he probado con mi pulsómetro ant y no he notado problemas, volveré a intentarlo.

¿has configurado las pulsaciones mínimas en tu perfil?


Si las tengo configuradas de manera correcta. De no trabajar bien en la versión 3b y con solo instalar sobre esta la beta 2, ya vuelve a trabajar bien.

En cuanto he instalado la beta nueva 5 me ha vuelto a pasar igual. Luego he querido regresar a la beta 2 y no me dejaba. He tenido que desinstalar Oruxmaps y con ello he perdido todos mis mapas y tracks. He estado luego un buen rato restaurando de aquí y de allá para medio recuperar todo.

Es un poco rollo esto de que si desinstalas se borren las carpetas y luego lo de tener que recordar dar permisos porque si no la aplicación se queda chinada al intentar configurar es otro rollo. Cosas de android. Ya volveré a probar con más cuidado.


Orux! He probado nuevamente el tema del pulsometro con la beta 5 y me sigue pasando. Regreso a la beta 2 y va ok.

Saludos y muchas gracias.


Quote from: "Josean"Orux! He probado nuevamente el tema del pulsometro con la beta 5 y me sigue pasando. Regreso a la beta 2 y va ok.

Saludos y muchas gracias.


es raro, no consigo reproducirlo. Tampoco hay cambios entre esas versiones.

¿qué sensores ant+ usas?

lo de que se borren los datos al desinstalar, no debería pasar, salvo que uses los directorios en /Android/data/....



Orux so now in beta5, xiaomi mi band heart rate sensor works.

Map on Android Wear doesn't work anymore? It doesn't load the map  :(. I don't know what is wrong...

There is still bug for duration of activity in statistics. I walked for example for 3 hours but it says something around 1400 :).


Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "Josean"Orux! He probado nuevamente el tema del pulsometro con la beta 5 y me sigue pasando. Regreso a la beta 2 y va ok.

Saludos y muchas gracias.


es raro, no consigo reproducirlo. Tampoco hay cambios entre esas versiones.

¿qué sensores ant+ usas?

lo de que se borren los datos al desinstalar, no debería pasar, salvo que uses los directorios en /Android/data/....


Ya había leído lo de que los datos se borraban al estar en ese directorio, pero no lo recordé y no renombre previamente la carpeta.

El sensor Ant+ es uno del Decathlon. Es, yo creo, el primer modelo Ant+ que sacaron. Sólo uso pulsometro.

El teléfono es un bq m5 con android 6

Saludos. Gracias


Quote from: "Josean"
Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "Josean"Orux! He probado nuevamente el tema del pulsometro con la beta 5 y me sigue pasando. Regreso a la beta 2 y va ok.

Saludos y muchas gracias.


es raro, no consigo reproducirlo. Tampoco hay cambios entre esas versiones.

¿qué sensores ant+ usas?

lo de que se borren los datos al desinstalar, no debería pasar, salvo que uses los directorios en /Android/data/....


Ya había leído lo de que los datos se borraban al estar en ese directorio, pero no lo recordé y no renombre previamente la carpeta.

El sensor Ant+ es uno del Decathlon. Es, yo creo, el primer modelo Ant+ que sacaron. Sólo uso pulsometro.

El teléfono es un bq m5 con android 6

Saludos. Gracias

Orux! He vuelto a probar esta vez haciendo una instalación totalmente limpia y ahora funciona bien. No se porque será.

Hay otra cosa que podrías corregir? Cuando te logueas me recupera siempre con datos desactualizados y que aunque corrijo y me loguea perfectamente, siempre que restauro por lo que sea, siempre me da esos datos mal. ( Pulsaciones mínimas que siempre están en 0 y tengo que corregir y tipo de actividad por defecto)



I tried again and confirm the bug in statistics times. I also noticed that when starting recording of a track the three dialogue box options (new track/new segment/continue) are on three lines rather than on one like before. Is this intentional? Looks a bit odd aligned on the right rather than on the left like the other text, but it is interesting since we can put longer strings.



For me the bigger bug that map doesnt want to load on my  android wear watch, since previously it loaded fine.


Ich sehe auf meiner Uhr zweimal Oruxmaps beta, obwohl auf dem Tablet nur eine Version installiert ist.

Ich habe 6.5.8beta3 installiert (apk).

Das Tablet hat einen GPS-Fix.

Das Tablet hat eine Offline-Karte im Hintergrund.

Es gibt nur eine Karte auf der Uhr: NONE.

Auf der Karte im Tablet sind 10 Wegpunkte sichtbar.

Auf der Uhr sind keine Wegpunkte sichtbar.

I see Oruxmaps beta on my watch twice, even though only one version is installed on my tablet.

I installed 6.5. 8beta3 (apk).

The tablet has a GPS fix.

The tablet has offline map in the background.

There is only one map on the clock: NONE  :!:

10 waypoints are visible on the map in the tablet.

No waypoints are visible on the watch -> User Error  :?:


Another ride on beta 5.

I've seen we can now have a continuous line for tracks again. Thanks.

I also appreciate the new ok/cancel buttons for the waypoint creation dialogue, on the right they are much more reachable. It's still odd to have them on the top, but on the other hand we can now dismiss the dialogue box without hiding the keyboard so it makes sense.

A little bug: I have OruxMaps set up so that I'm full screen with everything set to auto hide. When I tap to reveal the action bar I'm popped out of immersive mode which causes a sudden shift in in the map. This isn't a real problem, but IMHO should be avoided. There is no reason to reveal the system buttons, there is very little chance that I need them if I'm using the action bar.



Quote from: "Maki"Another ride on beta 5.

I've seen we can now have a continuous line for tracks again. Thanks.

I also appreciate the new ok/cancel buttons for the waypoint creation dialogue, on the right they are much more reachable. It's still odd to have them on the top, but on the other hand we can now dismiss the dialogue box without hiding the keyboard so it makes sense.

A little bug: I have OruxMaps set up so that I'm full screen with everything set to auto hide. When I tap to reveal the action bar I'm popped out of immersive mode which causes a sudden shift in in the map. This isn't a real problem, but IMHO should be avoided. There is no reason to reveal the system buttons, there is very little chance that I need them if I'm using the action bar.



test the last beta.

the immersive mode works in a different way than using the old libraries.
