New 6.5.Xbeta version

Started by orux, May 23, 2016, 07:18:39 PM

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New beta12

Remember that it is a test version; use with care!



Quote from: "orux"
New beta12


I found bug:

1)after return from menu->settings->Panel->"Dashboard controls" my offline map reset to online map "OpenstreetMap Cyclemap"

2)in "Dashboard controls": I select maps name, GPS accuracy, zoom level and

only map name and zoom level are visible on DB

EDIT: 2) is OK, my fault, GPS Accuracy is visiable (if GPS is ON ;-)


It keeps telling me beta11

Is that intended?



Thanks for the new versions, no big problems found.

Those issues are still current:

- With active navigation drawer the navigation drawer symbol in the upper left corner is still changing with UI color, it should be dark as the action bar.

- Mapsforge "Map language" for multilingual maps should only display the languages that are contained in the map, not all languages that OruxMaps support.

New issue:

- When using "Colored path with slope", route line width changes with the setting of "Secondary routes width" which is the wrong setting; Route path effect is still changed with "Route line width".

I would also welcome an alpha/transparency setting for "Colored path with slope" so you can see a bit of the map below.


Sorry, this is going to be long (again).

I'm referring mostly to Beta 11 in this post since I mostly tested that; just a short ride with Beta 12. I think it's still useful. Everything applies to both a Moto X 2014 (Android 6.0) and a G-Pad 8.3 (Android 4.4) so it's not the OS.

I had occasionally some problems but I couldn't find a repeatable cause.

1) sometimes getting back at OM from other apps or the homescreen the "Maps at current position" menu toggle is open but the list is empty. Even toggling back and forth it stays empty. The solution, other than restarting the app, is to close the toggle, close the drawer and open both again. Not very frequent, but enough to notice. So far I haven't seen it in beta 12

2) I had again the problem of the soft buttons not disappearing correctly, i.e. their space stays black. Just a couple of times. So far I haven't seen it in beta 12

3) sometimes when panning and zooming fast some tiles aren't drawn, especially, but not exclusively with MapsForge maps. So far I haven't seen it in beta 12

4) sometimes when panning in flat areas with MF maps (the sea for example) I saw the "old" pixels with a different shade of blu. I think I've also seen this in older releases (I mean years ago), it's something that surfaces every now and then. This one is still present in Beta 12

Other considerations.

I once accidentally started AIS. It started to say "Retry in 30 seconds" again and again until I quit the app. I think it should ask what to do before continuing to attempt connections if something doesn't work.

Route management

I always found the route display a bit problematic because it covers the map below it, and I cannot find a compromise between map and route readability. Drawing it as a thin line is problematic because you have to choose a color that isn't already used in the map which is difficult, I resorted to use a wide semi-transparent one but it's still invasive, and ugly at lower zoom levels. As a result I generally avoid using routes unless necessary.

The new slope-coloured route and distance waypoints are cute, but pose a few problems. The first is that the route completely covers what's below; if you make it half transparent I'm afraid it turns out to be unreadable, since it's color coded and you would get a colour blend with the background. The second is that in the case of a roundtrip it becomes a mess: I really have no solution to propose for this one, unless you can detect overlaps in the gpx and modify the display on the fly to avoid them.

In general I think this new feature is useful when you are studying someone else's gpx, but after that I find it useless, just like distance waypoints are nice to evaluate things at a glance but other than that they are too invasive. The problem is not in the features themselves but in the fact that you have to access the preferences to turn them on/off. Also, to cope better with the exigences of different maps it would be nice to set a few display styles that we can switch on the fly.

So here is my proposal (for discussion, it's just an idea):

- in the preferences under interfaces -> tracks list 4-5 styles. You can provide different defaults and let the user customize them, using the parameters we already have, by tapping on the style name

- in the side drawer ditch the menus, that we already have in the menu bar and replace them with a list of the currently active routes. A checkbox on the left lets the user turn on/off the display. Tapping on a route name makes it the currently active route, that moves on the top of the list or is shown in bold.

- above or below the route list place 4-5 buttons that have in them a preview of the style, so that the user can switch on the fly between styles without messing each time with the preferences

This would allow to hide/show routes on the fly, select the main one and quickly choose the appropriate style for any given situation. I hope this is clear, sorry I have little time right now, but if you care I can draw a mock-up.

I suppose that the same concept could work for tracks but I haven't tried multitrack yet.

Another small problem is that when loading a gpx Oruxmpas always starts from the "tracklogs" folder. It would be much better to remember the last folder, which in my case is mostly the "Download" folder since I'm dealing with tracks from the web. Also when choosing the file we have to set a checkbox and then tap "ok" rather than just tapping the file name; I'd understand if we could select more than one file, but we can't. By the way, since OM manages more than one route at once, why can't we select more than one file?

General things

The asterisk to highlight the current theme is not very elegant, what about making the name bold or putting a radio button in front of it? Also the whole Mapsforge block in the drawer should be hidden if you aren't using a Mapsforge map, like in the menus.

To conclude, a little feature request. I often desired to be warned when reaching a specific point that's easy to miss (say, a water source or a not-so-visible crossing). I'm talking about a simple disposable quick alarm to set on the fly when necessity arises, use it and forget it, no stored waypoints, no navigation, no-nothing. It just plays a sound when I'm there and it disappears forever. I've seen that I can configure voice/sound navigation to achieve that with the "direct to" command, but this also means I cannot use voice navigation for other purposes when it would be useful (e.g. backtracking in the fog) and I also end up with yet another waypoint floating around.

For the moment that's all.

Thanks again


Trying out the new beta: OruxMaps6.5.11beta12 ,  can't seem to find the option to Tweak Mapsforge Theme, more precisely the options in Elevate/Openandromaps to switch rendering of amenities on/off. Is it gone or has move to somewhere hidden?

Is there a new option to add custom online maps? Its located in the Offline maps section :)

Would be nice to have a persistent way of adding custom online sources that wouldn't get wiped with every new install, For instance: I've manually added Strava Heat Map to sources so I can make a Multimap for a given area with Mapsforge/Openandromaps as a base with Strava Heat Map on top, makes exploring new areas where I go MTB much easier.But I have to keep manually re-entering Strava Heat Map in sources with every new update.

Anyway, still need to test a bit but looks nice.Good job.


Quote from: "miguelcurto"Would be nice to have a persistent way of adding custom online sources that wouldn't get wiped with every new install.

The problem is that OruxMaps is currently using one single XML file that holds the info for all the online map sources. I think too that one file for each source, like MOBAC does for example, would be more manageable. The coolest thing would be to adopt the same MOBAC file format.

Quote from: "Maki" I think too that one file for each source, like MOBAC does for example, would be more manageable. The coolest thing would be to adopt the same MOBAC file format.

+1 file format like mobac would be cool.

Or at least two files, one default file which is updatet with orux and one "user" file. Wich is not overwritten.



after few minutes of viewing my recorded track (recorded in 6.5.10) program was closed due error.

On my trip today I found one little Bug.

In the Map  I click on a Wpt.

A popup opens.  This popup  I can not close with the BACK key.

I have to press "Accept". Can you add a cancel button,  which is bound with the back button?

That would be more intuitive for me,  and would be easier done while biking.

Maybe replace "accept" with "cancel"">

The new  "appdrawer"(correct name?) could have some finetunings.

Maybe merging the entires of "track route tools" with "track/routes"


Each theme should have a tools icon to access the corresponding settings of this theme.

If "elevate and subtheme city" is active, the menue entry should change to "elevate/city" maybe marked with a green button.

What do you think?

Best wishes,



Estos comentarios son de la beta 11.

He probado las nuevas características y hay o he tenido varios fallos.

El cálculo ibp es brutal, va bien y el archivo se renombra correctamente pero las estadísticas son erróneas, a las velocidades se les va la pinza, me llega a dar 200 kmh de velocidad punta.

Los waypoints de distancia de kms se quedan fijos cuando quitas la ruta de pantalla.

Cuando intentas cambiar la anchura del degradado de % del track este no funciona y solo cambia el grosor de las flechas de dirección.

Se que no es el sitio pero con estas últimas mejoras propongo algunas mejoras.

Poder cambiar los colores de los % de altimetria. O en su defecto poner más colores, los tonos de amarillo a rojo oscuro no son suficientes y un color rojo claro en pantalla es prácticamente igual a un rojo oscuro. Por lo menos en % por encima de 15 metería un color negro o algo más llamativo.  De todas maneras lo he probado en ruta con una ruta totalmente desconocida y junto con el perfil es como si supieras la ruta de memoria, funciona increíble.

En cuanto a los waypoints de distancia estaria bien poder ponerlos al gusto del consumidor, cada km es mucha información, cada 5 kms estaría mejor.

Y luego dos cambios generales.

No se como se calcula el % pero va con mucho retraso, no hay manera de que sea más rápido?? Sabiendo la altura como la sabe orux casi de antemano no podría adelantar ese dato?? Se que esto último es mucho pedir, no so quiera garmin da este dato de manera precisa.

Estoy usando un sensor de cadencia y de velocidad, sería posible meter un nuevo dato para la media de cadencia en ruta total??

Gracias y un saludo.


Llevando inclinometro como llevan los teléfonos no se podría sacar el % de ese sensor??


Quote from: ""Last week I did the x-alps with beta 10. OM was working like a charm. Today I installed the beta11. Looks good.  But one Bug. If I load a active route with "distance indicator", I can remove the route but not the Distance WPts?


I will remove that bug in next beta version,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"Thanks for the new versions, no big problems found.

Those issues are still current:

- With active navigation drawer the navigation drawer symbol in the upper left corner is still changing with UI color, it should be dark as the action bar.

- Mapsforge "Map language" for multilingual maps should only display the languages that are contained in the map, not all languages that OruxMaps support.

New issue:

- When using "Colored path with slope", route line width changes with the setting of "Secondary routes width" which is the wrong setting; Route path effect is still changed with "Route line width".

I would also welcome an alpha/transparency setting for "Colored path with slope" so you can see a bit of the map below.


- With active navigation drawer the navigation drawer symbol in the upper left corner is still changing with UI color, it should be dark as the action bar.

Not easy, I haven't found how to manage that.

- Mapsforge "Map language" for multilingual maps should only display the languages that are contained in the map, not all languages that OruxMaps support.

I need to find a way to manage that, because it should be a setting for each map.

- When using "Colored path with slope", route line width changes with the setting of "Secondary routes width" which is the wrong setting; Route path effect is still changed with "Route line width".

I will change some settings in next beta. I have found that those settings are still absolute values, not relative to display dips!

I will try to add a alpha setting for the paths,



Quote from: "Maki"Sorry, this is going to be long (again).

I'm referring mostly to Beta 11 in this post since I mostly tested that; just a short ride with Beta 12. I think it's still useful. Everything applies to both a Moto X 2014 (Android 6.0) and a G-Pad 8.3 (Android 4.4) so it's not the OS.

I had occasionally some problems but I couldn't find a repeatable cause.

1) sometimes getting back at OM from other apps or the homescreen the "Maps at current position" menu toggle is open but the list is empty. Even toggling back and forth it stays empty. The solution, other than restarting the app, is to close the toggle, close the drawer and open both again. Not very frequent, but enough to notice. So far I haven't seen it in beta 12

2) I had again the problem of the soft buttons not disappearing correctly, i.e. their space stays black. Just a couple of times. So far I haven't seen it in beta 12

3) sometimes when panning and zooming fast some tiles aren't drawn, especially, but not exclusively with MapsForge maps. So far I haven't seen it in beta 12

4) sometimes when panning in flat areas with MF maps (the sea for example) I saw the "old" pixels with a different shade of blu. I think I've also seen this in older releases (I mean years ago), it's something that surfaces every now and then. This one is still present in Beta 12

Other considerations.

I once accidentally started AIS. It started to say "Retry in 30 seconds" again and again until I quit the app. I think it should ask what to do before continuing to attempt connections if something doesn't work.

Route management

I always found the route display a bit problematic because it covers the map below it, and I cannot find a compromise between map and route readability. Drawing it as a thin line is problematic because you have to choose a color that isn't already used in the map which is difficult, I resorted to use a wide semi-transparent one but it's still invasive, and ugly at lower zoom levels. As a result I generally avoid using routes unless necessary.

The new slope-coloured route and distance waypoints are cute, but pose a few problems. The first is that the route completely covers what's below; if you make it half transparent I'm afraid it turns out to be unreadable, since it's color coded and you would get a colour blend with the background. The second is that in the case of a roundtrip it becomes a mess: I really have no solution to propose for this one, unless you can detect overlaps in the gpx and modify the display on the fly to avoid them.

In general I think this new feature is useful when you are studying someone else's gpx, but after that I find it useless, just like distance waypoints are nice to evaluate things at a glance but other than that they are too invasive. The problem is not in the features themselves but in the fact that you have to access the preferences to turn them on/off. Also, to cope better with the exigences of different maps it would be nice to set a few display styles that we can switch on the fly.

So here is my proposal (for discussion, it's just an idea):

- in the preferences under interfaces -> tracks list 4-5 styles. You can provide different defaults and let the user customize them, using the parameters we already have, by tapping on the style name

- in the side drawer ditch the menus, that we already have in the menu bar and replace them with a list of the currently active routes. A checkbox on the left lets the user turn on/off the display. Tapping on a route name makes it the currently active route, that moves on the top of the list or is shown in bold.

- above or below the route list place 4-5 buttons that have in them a preview of the style, so that the user can switch on the fly between styles without messing each time with the preferences

This would allow to hide/show routes on the fly, select the main one and quickly choose the appropriate style for any given situation. I hope this is clear, sorry I have little time right now, but if you care I can draw a mock-up.

I suppose that the same concept could work for tracks but I haven't tried multitrack yet.

Another small problem is that when loading a gpx Oruxmpas always starts from the "tracklogs" folder. It would be much better to remember the last folder, which in my case is mostly the "Download" folder since I'm dealing with tracks from the web. Also when choosing the file we have to set a checkbox and then tap "ok" rather than just tapping the file name; I'd understand if we could select more than one file, but we can't. By the way, since OM manages more than one route at once, why can't we select more than one file?

General things

The asterisk to highlight the current theme is not very elegant, what about making the name bold or putting a radio button in front of it? Also the whole Mapsforge block in the drawer should be hidden if you aren't using a Mapsforge map, like in the menus.

To conclude, a little feature request. I often desired to be warned when reaching a specific point that's easy to miss (say, a water source or a not-so-visible crossing). I'm talking about a simple disposable quick alarm to set on the fly when necessity arises, use it and forget it, no stored waypoints, no navigation, no-nothing. It just plays a sound when I'm there and it disappears forever. I've seen that I can configure voice/sound navigation to achieve that with the "direct to" command, but this also means I cannot use voice navigation for other purposes when it would be useful (e.g. backtracking in the fog) and I also end up with yet another waypoint floating around.

For the moment that's all.

Thanks again

Thanks, Maki,

I will do some changes in next versions related to your comments,
