OruxMaps on Android 6 with "extSdCard" - now 9C33-6BBD

Started by NorbertK, May 30, 2016, 06:10:23 PM

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It looks for me, that Orux doesn't have no longer write-access to the new path of the SD-card. In my case - on an S5 plus - the path is now /storage/9C33-6BBD instead of /storage/extSdCard.

Maps are readable, but I couldn't store new maps from OpenAndroMaps directly into Orux maps-folder (and I think, that tracking a path to SD did not work at all.

There is another path to SD-card available through /mnt/media_rw/9C33-6BBD. Both pathes do have different rights!!



Owner:   root

Group:   sdcard_rw



Owner:    media_rw

Group:   media_rw

Is Orux member of one of this groups or how could it become a member?

Has anybody a solution for Orux with Android 6??


I have similar issue with Xperia Z3 Compact Android 6.0.1.

The map folder setting is now off from the OM v.6.5.7. How we can switch between internal and external (portable) storage? There is nothing about it in the available OM manual.

NorbertK, how did you manage to get the offline maps visible at all?

Another strange thing - the /sdcard is a mount to the internal storage! Is this normal? Maybe it is some issue with my Xperia?

If OM is equipped now with some kind of "intelligent" storage chooser, I don't see another way as to downgrade to an old OM version  :cry: . Thank author, one is available at homepage. Another option is to use the new Marshmallow feature to adopt SD card as part of internal storage. But probably my phone is not intended only to use the OM...

Dear developer(s), please let us know if there is some solution or OM will have been evaluated compatible with Marshmallow and we can update to contemporary OM version.



Same problem for me on Xperia Z3 compact. No more access to SD card even in read mode.

Best Regards



Hello me too. Impossible to accessoires to my extra sd card :|


Quote from: "Domi_07"Hello me too. Impossible to accessoires to my extra sd card :|


The apps can not write in the root of external sdcard after kitkat.

Each app owns a folder in Android/data/ folder in external storage. OruxMaps folder-> /Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files/ folder. Here the app can write/read. BUT take care! if you uninstall OruxMaps, that folder is deleted by android with all the content.

It is not a problem of Oruxmaps, installing an old version is not a solution.



Bonjour, Thanks very much for this very fast answer.

Ok it's work


Something doesn't work correctly because my file appear only under:

PhoneAndroiddatacom.orux.oruxmapsfiles "my folder maps is here"

and not under my sd card:

CardAndroiddatacom.orux.oruxmapsfiles "no map folder"

a idea ?


See "opener"!

Your path is /storage/9C33_6BBD/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps   .../com.orux.oruxmapsDonate

@Orux: because of "new path in Android 6" it would be great, if OruxMaps will give the menu to "store in external SD-Card" former extSdCard and now 9C33_6BBD with 1-click. At the moment you have to switch every path to the card by hand.

Is there a way to use a "standard-folder" on /storage/9C33_6BBD/Android/data for "all different apps"? On Android 5 I have had a folder extSdCard/TRAVEL/ORUX and extSdCard/TRAVEL/GPS-Routes where I've stored all my tracks.