New beta version 8.2.x [CLOSED]

Started by orux, January 06, 2021, 03:44:31 PM

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Hola Orux

Ocurre algo extraño con los submenús laterales. Por ejemplo me voy al menú Map Overlays y con el submenú correspondiente cargo capas en el mapa, vuelvo al mismo menú y el submenú Limpiar Capas algunas veces aparece y otras no.
También me ha pasado en el menú Waypoints que el submenú Búsqueda en Mapa Offline aparece y desaparece.

De momento me di cuenta en esos casos, ya digo que ocurre aleatoriamente, no sé si se reproduce en más submenús.

Edito: Todo eso me ocurre en el modo Interfaz Unificada, con Modo Normal o Básico no lo he comprobado



Quote from: Agus on May 16, 2021, 07:08:38 AM
Hola Orux

Ocurre algo extraño con los submenús laterales. Por ejemplo me voy al menú Map Overlays y con el submenú correspondiente cargo capas en el mapa, vuelvo al mismo menú y el submenú Limpiar Capas algunas veces aparece y otras no.
También me ha pasado en el menú Waypoints que el submenú Búsqueda en Mapa Offline aparece y desaparece.

De momento me di cuenta en esos casos, ya digo que ocurre aleatoriamente, no sé si se reproduce en más submenús.

Edito: Todo eso me ocurre en el modo Interfaz Unificada, con Modo Normal o Básico no lo he comprobado



Debe estar corregido en la última beta,



Quote from: orux on May 18, 2021, 08:30:10 PM
Quote from: Agus on May 16, 2021, 07:08:38 AM
Hola Orux

Ocurre algo extraño con los submenús laterales. Por ejemplo me voy al menú Map Overlays y con el submenú correspondiente cargo capas en el mapa, vuelvo al mismo menú y el submenú Limpiar Capas algunas veces aparece y otras no.
También me ha pasado en el menú Waypoints que el submenú Búsqueda en Mapa Offline aparece y desaparece.

De momento me di cuenta en esos casos, ya digo que ocurre aleatoriamente, no sé si se reproduce en más submenús.

Edito: Todo eso me ocurre en el modo Interfaz Unificada, con Modo Normal o Básico no lo he comprobado



Debe estar corregido en la última beta,



Cuando pueda lo pruebo.

He visto la nueva opción añadida de cuando se toca un waypoint sale una burbuja. No sé si será posible hacerlo como Locus Map, con un cuersor central siempre visible en el mapa a pasar por encima de cualquier POI (de momento
OruxMaps solo lo hace en waypoints) automáticamentee sale la burbuja, creo que es más rápido y práctico.

El resto de novedades muy útiles. Gracias por el trabajo.

Edito: las burbujas de los PDI se ven si se carga el perfil GP


Thank you very much Orux for including the balloon when clicking on a POI in Beta 23!
It is a very important function in my opinion.

A few ideas, if you think it would be interesting to develop further:
- create a flaggable option to open the balloon when the pointer passes over a POI
- add the distance as the crow flies from the last GPS position
- and the altitude above sea level
- avoid "osm_id" inside the balloon
- create a button inside the balloon that, using Brouter, creates a route from the GPS point to the POI


Quote from: paoloianes on May 19, 2021, 11:38:50 AM
Thank you very much Orux for including the balloon when clicking on a POI in Beta 23!
It is a very important function in my opinion.

A few ideas, if you think it would be interesting to develop further:
- create a flaggable option to open the balloon when the pointer passes over a POI
- add the distance as the crow flies from the last GPS position
- and the altitude above sea level
- avoid "osm_id" inside the balloon
- create a button inside the balloon that, using Brouter, creates a route from the GPS point to the POI

OruxMaps already has 3 of the functions you are asking for.
- Activate the GPS and move around the map, Orux will show you the distance, heading, height difference and slope.
- The dashboard it can display 4 kinds of different heights. GPS elevation, DEM elevation, Barometer elevation and Height above the ground.
- The floating red button contains the navigation options, among them the search for routes with BRouter or Graphhopper, or the option to touch on the screen and navigate there.

You're basically asking for the same thing that the original popup menu contains.


Quote from: afgb1977 on May 19, 2021, 02:43:49 PM
- Activate the GPS and move around the map, Orux will show you the distance, heading, height difference and slope.
- The dashboard it can display 4 kinds of different heights. GPS elevation, DEM elevation, Barometer elevation and Height above the ground.
You're basically asking for the same thing that the original popup menu contains.

Your are definitely right, what I meant was that you could put this data inside the balloon, as well as a button to create a route with Brouter directly from the balloon, not having to open the original popup as well.


I'm using Brouter via Oruxmaps.
It's a very good feature.
Is it possible to add points that don't follow the database of Brouter.
I have to do this sometimes  when the way I want to use is not a real road.
In Openrunner this function is implemented,  but it could be cool to have it directly in Oruxmaps.

PS: This suggested feature could bu useful on MTB.



It would be great to could choose between trace a line with brouter or trace directly (path isn't exists).



Hola, eso ya se puede hacer actualmente


Hi Orux, and thank you for all your good job!
I often load in Oruxmaps a GPX route that I want to follow during my outdoor activities. But these routes don't have waypoints.

It would be nice if Brouter could create proper waypoints within these routes, so that you could follow the route with the help of the audio messages from Oruxmaps.


Quote from: paoloianes on May 24, 2021, 06:47:56 PM
Hi Orux, and thank you for all your good job!
I often load in Oruxmaps a GPX route that I want to follow during my outdoor activities. But these routes don't have waypoints.

It would be nice if Brouter could create proper waypoints within these routes, so that you could follow the route with the help of the audio messages from Oruxmaps.


Con la herramienta BRouter no puede añadir waypoints pero lo puede hacer con el editor de tracks.


My proposal was to implement the Orux "create route" tool in such a way that it passes the route to Brouter as if it had been drawn by the user, so that Brouter can build a  route with the necessary waypoints for the Orux audio guide.


Quote from: paoloianes on May 25, 2021, 12:38:54 PM
My proposal was to implement the Orux "create route" tool in such a way that it passes the route to Brouter as if it had been drawn by the user, so that Brouter can build a  route with the necessary waypoints for the Orux audio guide.

Perdón, no entiendo muy bien. Cuando creo una ruta con BRouter me sale los waypoints de los giros que tengo que realizar y me avisa si así lo tengo configurado en avisos de voz y alarmas.

El resto de waypoints se pueden añadir después.


Let me try to explain: when you upload a route via an external GPX file (let's call it "route A" from, you would like to follow the route with Oruxmaps voice messages.
To get the voice messages, you need waypoints that tell you what to do (for a route of 50 km let's say 200 waypoints like: turn right, turn left, etc.).
To get this kind of waypoints, you have to create a "route B" through Orux's "create routes" tool (which uses Broute): by hand you have to trace every single point of "route A" (or, at least, every single turn). It would be nice if Orux could "feed" Broute with "route A", so that Broute would automatically create the "route B" with waypoints in Orux.


Perdon por el offtopic.

Tras muchos cambios en las betas no me queda claro como mide las altitudes Oruxmaps.

Yo no quiero cálculos aproximados, ni redondeos ni datos del gps, tengo mis archivos de altimetrias en la carpeta DEM y quiero que use unicamente esos datos, pero no veo claro que sea así.

Alguien puede arrojar luz sobre mi duda ?