New beta version 8.2.x [CLOSED]

Started by orux, January 06, 2021, 03:44:31 PM

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Hola Orux.
Uno de los chicos del grupo de Telegram (Agus) descubrió lo siguiente:
En la última Beta al usar la opción "Corregir Altitud" para los Tracks por medio de DEM, el Servicio Online de Elevaciones o el Filtro de Suavizado se hace efectiva la corrección pero no crea un nuevo track corregido ni conserva el anterior.
Al parecer corrige y borra el anterior, esto sin haber  marcado la casilla "Borrar Antiguo".
Se hicieron varias pruebas en diferentes móviles y el resultado fue el mismo.
Puedes verificarlo?



Hello Orux,
I have an issue with the moving time. This issue gives me bad results with the "Average Speed Move".
To solve it I have to export my track and then import it.
Can you have a look to the 2 screenshots:


I put my track exported in GPX format.
Can you have a look?



Hola Orux,
Tengo un problema con el tiempo de mudanza. Este problema me da malos resultados con el "Movimiento de velocidad promedio".
Para solucionarlo tengo que exportar mi track y luego importarlo.
¿Puedes echar un vistazo a las 2 capturas de pantalla?


Puse mi pista exportada en formato GPX.
¿Puedes echar un vistazo?




Am I the only one to have this issue?
It's not very important but just a little bit annoying.




¿Soy el único que tiene este problema?
Am I the only one with this problem?

No es muy importante, pero es un poco molesto.




I have a new issue. It's something about the function "SIMPLIFY".
This function doesn't works. At the end of the process there is message "Altitude Updated Correctly".
Here is a video of the problem:

Can you have a look and tell me what's going on?
Can I make some tests to help you?



No se si tengo algún problema en el teléfono o es esta beta 9 que no habla, si alguien me lo puede confirmar lo agradecería.

Cambien suelo tener problemas para entrar al foro desde la web es Español, desde el lado Ingles sin problema.


Quote from: YvanCB on March 26, 2021, 12:40:10 PM

I have a new issue. It's something about the function "SIMPLIFY".
This function doesn't works. At the end of the process there is message "Altitude Updated Correctly".
Here is a video of the problem:

Can you have a look and tell me what's going on?
Can I make some tests to help you?

The message is wrong, but the Track should be simplified.
You can check if the Track is simplified if you edit the Track. You should see less Track points



Quote from: JCS666 on March 28, 2021, 04:37:29 PM
No se si tengo algún problema en el teléfono o es esta beta 9 que no habla, si alguien me lo puede confirmar lo agradecería.

Cambien suelo tener problemas para entrar al foro desde la web es Español, desde el lado Ingles sin problema.
New beta version,
it should work finew,



La beta 11 ya habla, gracias.


Hola Orux.
Acabo de notar algo con la nueva Beta.
Al tratar de cambiar el Algoritmo para Cálculo de Altitudes el Apk se cierra o se reinicia.
Android lanza el aviso de "OruxMaps continua fallando", cerrar App...
Si trato de cambiar el algoritmo, Orux se reinicia, y al tratar de hacerlo por segunda vez Orux se bloquea.
Ocurre lo mismo al tratar de cambiar el Mapa para las miniaturas.
También presenta fallos al tratar de cambiar la URL de Corrección de Alturas Online.
Al parecer  se reinicia o cierra al tratar de cambiar alguna opción que ya estaba configurada en la versión anterior (perfil).



Hello Orux,
I can confirm the crashes afgb1977 mentionened in beta 11. Moreover oruxmaps crashes when you try to change the language of the app.

Another issue:
From zoom level 17 and  higher moving the map is quite jerky whereas it was smooth in the versions before.



Updated the beta version that should correct last beta problems,



Quote from: orux on March 29, 2021, 12:51:56 PM
The message is wrong, but the Track should be simplified.
You can check if the Track is simplified if you edit the Track. You should see less Track points


With this new beta 11 the SIMPLIFY fonction works perfectly.
Thank you Orux!



Hello. I am experiencing the same problem since the first 8.x.x version: Strava authorization is not remembered by OruxMaps, or breaks somehow. I have to re-authorize on Strava every time I want to upload a ride. If I do not, I get a GPX upload error. In older versions of OruxMaps (before 8 ), Strava authorization was only required once after installing the app.


About Strava Authorization.

Hello, in my case, using Android 9 and 10 on two different phones, I all time had that same problem (needed to login each time I want to upload a course) with any previous version of Oruxmaps.
I believed so far it was a wanted feature.



Quote from: Andrea65 on April 10, 2021, 03:37:05 PM
About Strava Authorization.

Hello, in my case, using Android 9 and 10 on two different phones, I all time had that same problem (needed to login each time I want to upload a course) with any previous version of Oruxmaps.
I believed so far it was a wanted feature.


The problem is that Strava has changed its authentication token lifetime policies. Before they were much longer, for months (I do not remember when) they have been reduced to hours.

I'll update the beta shortly, to test a token renewal system, to see if it works ...
