Orux Doesn't Use SD Memory For Offline Map Storage

Started by Steve_Sr, July 26, 2016, 10:56:07 PM

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Contrary to the user manual I have found that Orux is storing offline map data in main phone memory instead of on the much larger (and emptier!) SD card. Is there a way I can fix this and move these static maps to the SD card?





Cut and paste the offline maps to a folder of your choice on the card, then change the path, first entry in General Settings > Maps > Maps Directory (current path is green marked) by tapping it and selecting the chosen folder in the shown file manager.

Should afterwards look like "(/storage/sdcard1/folder of your choice)" or similar, that's device dependent.

You can do this also for all other items (DEM data, custom waypoints, cursors ...) . I copied the whole oruxmaps folder structure to SD and changed the paths, my internal storage folders are empty.  
