Merge route creation and route search

Started by drfie, September 13, 2016, 09:27:06 AM

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There are two ways how to create a route. Route creation that creates straight lines and allows to split the route into segments and route search that uses e.g. Brouter app to find a way between points. I think this two ways could be merged into one. There would be one button to create a new straight line and another to create a "real" map path.

The current search for route has some disadvantages.

You have to first select all the points and then do the search. But if you place some point in a wrong place, the route is useless and you have to start from scratch.

Also you can't split the route into segments, it is created as an indivisible whole.

My usecase: I want to prepare a route for a 14-days trek. I want to have the whole route, but divided into days. I want to see the statistics both for the whole trek and for individual days. (I would also like to pinpoint some interesting places along the way or on the way, but that is off topic now.)




I would suggest something like this:

1. creating a new route by adding route points will make direct lines between them.

2. clicking line between points will open "routing" dialog, from there you can select available routing tools (grabhopper, brouter, etc) and profile you like to use.

3. route point can be removed any time by clicking it and selecting remove

4. even already routed line can be clicked and rerouted by different option at any time

5. already saved route could be opened as route editing mode again

Here's simple example where you can see what I mean:">

I would really like to see similar functionality in Oruxmaps also, it would make planning a routes lot of easier than currently.