Extremely long wait time to load offline maps

Started by nahannidog, September 19, 2016, 06:03:22 AM

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New to Orux, apologies if this is obvious to the experts, but....

I've loaded a couple .map files from OpenAndroMaps (state of Colorado for example).  After waiting several hours! I still see no map, just the circular arrow icon.  I've tried different zoom levels, use GPS centering to assure the map is in my location in Colorado.  In comparison, some online maps load quickly, until a high zoom is requested, then nothing in hours.  Example, USGS Imagery Only (US) good up to & including zoom level 15.

I'm assuming there is some common problem/issue/mis-understanding to both the offline never appears vs. online never appears at a high zoom level.  Suggestions? Device is Samsung Note3



Quote from: "nahannidog"Hello,

New to Orux, apologies if this is obvious to the experts, but....

I've loaded a couple .map files from OpenAndroMaps (state of Colorado for example).  After waiting several hours! I still see no map, just the circular arrow icon.  I've tried different zoom levels, use GPS centering to assure the map is in my location in Colorado.  In comparison, some online maps load quickly, until a high zoom is requested, then nothing in hours.  Example, USGS Imagery Only (US) good up to & including zoom level 15.

I'm assuming there is some common problem/issue/mis-understanding to both the offline never appears vs. online never appears at a high zoom level.  Suggestions? Device is Samsung Note3



those maps should be displayed instantaneously.

May be the .map files are not right.

how did you get them?




for the Offline maps, I got Utah & Colorado from openandromaps here: http://www.openandromaps.org/en/downloads/usa_en">//http://www.openandromaps.org/en/downloads/usa_en

That website says to use these maps,  I need to install a "rendertheme", which I did, choosing "elevate 4" and the "quick install on Oruxmaps."

I'm thinking the rendertheme is related to the offline problem.  I've noticed if the "ele_res" is pressed, the maps do render (slow at first, but now quickly).  If I choose the other two "Elements.xml" or "Elevate.xml" then the offline maps "never" load.

Related to the render themes, is there a way to determine which rendertheme is active?  Must I remember which one I chose last?

By the Way, I'm hoping these offline maps at openandromaps include contourlines.  I don't know if that's true until I try.  These maps do NOT show contourlines with the "ele-res" rendertheme active, I'm guessing I need "elevate" to be functioning to get contourlines.

Sorry for all the beginner confusion!




Quote from: "nahannidog"Hello,


I've loaded a couple .map files from OpenAndroMaps (state of Colorado for example).  After waiting several hours! I still see no map, just the circular arrow icon.  ...

If you cannot see any maps in the tab for offline maps even when you refresh the view with the circular arrow icon, no maps were found. Three posibilties:

  • The download failed.
  • The downloaded file is broken.
  • The downloaded file is OK but not at the place where OruxMaps is looking for it, e. g. in the folder specified in General Settings > Maps > Maps folder.

Quote from: "nahannidog"hello,

for the Offline maps, I got Utah & Colorado from openandromaps here]http://www.openandromaps.org/en/downloads/usa_en[/url]

That website says to use these maps,  I need to install a "rendertheme", which I did, choosing "elevate 4" and the "quick install on Oruxmaps."

I'm thinking the rendertheme is related to the offline problem.  I've noticed if the "ele_res" is pressed, the maps do render (slow at first, but now quickly).  If I choose the other two "Elements.xml" or "Elevate.xml" then the offline maps "never" load.

Related to the render themes, is there a way to determine which rendertheme is active?  Must I remember which one I chose last?

By the Way, I'm hoping these offline maps at openandromaps include contourlines.  I don't know if that's true until I try.  These maps do NOT show contourlines with the "ele-res" rendertheme active, I'm guessing I need "elevate" to be functioning to get contourlines.

Sorry for all the beginner confusion!



When using the direct download in Android the themes are automatically stored in the folder oruxmaps/mapstyles. The rendering is done by the two .XML files. "ele_res" is a folder that only contains the patterns and symbols which are used by the theme. When you tap on Maps menu > Mapsforge theme a list of the available themes should appear (Mapsforge Default, Element, Elevate) and you can choose a theme to apply, which will be used again when you restart the app.

If there are no maps nothing can be rendered. So which map do you render and how do you do this? "ele_res" isn't part of the list, where do you press on it?

Really a bit confusing


I think you're trying to use "Map settings->Mapsforge settings->Mapsforge themes" for choosing a theme. This only selects the directory in which the app is looking for themes. The ".../oruxmaps/mapstyles/" is fine for that, please revert this to it, if the themes were installed there.

Now use the "Mapsforge theme" setting in the maps menu from the action bar to choose a theme, there should only be names listed, no xml files.

@Orux: it would make sense to rename the above setting to "Mapsforge themes directory:" for less confusion and to be in line with "Maps directory:" and "DEM files directory:".


Thank you Orux, nurembergueso and eartrumpet for your thoughtful responses.

I was confused why I couldn't follow your suggested command sequences.  It just occurred to me to upgrade from version 6.0.10 to 6.5.10...now all my offline map viewing problems are resolved!  Maps load quickly and have contourlines.

I was incorrect in assuming the contourlines required the elevate rendertheme, both elements and elevate show the contourlines.  Much to learn.



Quote from: "eartrumpet" ...

@Orux: it would make sense to rename the above setting to "Mapsforge themes directory:" for less confusion and to be in line with "Maps directory:" and "DEM files directory:".

@eartrumpet: I changed the string for German in this way.

@Orux: In former versions the Mapsforge theme choice worked over "Tweaks" but is now moved to the maps menu. When you download themes you still get the toast message "Map themes downloaded OK. You can select one in 'tweaks - mapsforge styles'". This string has to be changed.