track recording interrupted

Started by jfcolomb, October 01, 2016, 04:02:56 PM

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Since several months, I search what could be the reason of an interrupted track.

Sometimes, at the end of a several hours walk with track recording on, I see on the screen an interrupted track, no position cursor and recording button still on. On top of the screen, there is no more the "active tracking" small icon.

Am I right if I say that this mean GPS no more responding?

When I see this behaviour, I stop the record mode and restart it. At this point everything is working again as expected. (but I have a straight line corresponding to the lack of GPS points.)

Could you explain when notification icons "active tracking" and "GPS defined position" should be visible?

Is it possible that GPS is not responding and Oruxmaps don't say anything about that?

I have to say that Oruxmaps application is "protected" (still active in the background)

Any idea? Energy saving which stops GPS?

Thanks for this great application.



Hello everybody,

I reply to my own message.

After a search into Android forums, I found a possible explanation.

It seems that under Android 6.0 (and perhaps before) a request to load A-GPS data is sometimes sent and as I disable data and often I have no network in mountains area, there is no answer and no more GPS points added to the recorded track.

A workaround is to let GPS locker application concurrently running with Oruxmaps.

Inconvenience is more battery usage.

First try with this workaround was succesfull, I will continue to use Oruxmaps and GPS Locker in order to see if my issue disappears.

Have a good day,
