WMS/WMTS on line suisse maps

Started by ducaduca, April 03, 2021, 03:22:08 PM

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In oruxmaps, maps on line, I cannot view or download maps by creating WMS or WMTS files for Swiss topographic maps using url: "WMS.geo.admin.ch" and "WMTS.geo.admin.ch" Also the old URL WMS.swisstopo.ch/? (if used now without my credentials) it doesn't work even if access to swisstopo should be free after 1 marzo 2021. Can anyone help or give advice? Thank you,


Hi Andrea
This seems to be a bug in Orux. I posted a ticket: https://oruxmaps.org/forum/index.php?topic=39466.0
However this works for swiss-topo base layser:
Menue "Karte laden" -> "Online" -> "Ebenen" -> "(CH)" -> "Suisse Topo (CH)"