How to navigate in a direct trace to any geographical point

Started by PPCarte, April 26, 2021, 06:44:05 PM

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My question seems simple but I haven't found a clear method yet.
The GPS provides the current position on the off-line map. I define on this map the geographical point to reach (Milestone, Way point or other...).
How to obtain (compass, other...?) the means to make appear a direction indicator (arrow?) allowing to join the point in direct trace.
Knowing that the disparities of the terrain mean that we cannot move in a straight line, the direction indicator must always point to the point to be reached, whatever our position.

There is no question of talking azimuth with a GPS, otherwise I would go back to the map/compass method.

Thank you for your help.


Hello PPCarte,

try waypoint navigation:

- create a waypoint
- tap on the waypoint
- start waypoint navigation (6th symbol) with opition "direct to"
- the red line will always connect your position with the waypoint