error track recording

Started by duerlewanger, June 21, 2021, 05:35:34 PM

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Dear Oruxmaps forum

I have the following problem:

Recording a track I start at point "A" make a breake at point "B" and continue to point "C".
At point "B" I stop the recording and Oruxmaps saves the track and when I continue Oruxmaps asks if I want (1) to continue, make a (2) new track, make a (3) new segment.
My choice is (1) to continue.
Afterwards when I save the track in my file at point "B" it shows a small part with an inpossible track, deviation. See attachement.

My question is now:
- Do I have to choice (3) new segment?
- Is it possible to correct the deviated track?

Thanks for your help. Erwin


Before continuing your track-recording in point B, wait until you have the correct position. Then continue recording.