change default naming of recorded tracks?

Started by aag, August 28, 2021, 06:36:41 PM

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The recorded tracks are named by default according to the datetime of the start. Is there any way to customize the naming? Thanks in advance!


Quote from: aag on August 28, 2021, 06:36:41 PM
The recorded tracks are named by default according to the datetime of the start. Is there any way to customize the naming? Thanks in advance!

Creo que no,lo que si se puede hacer es ponerle nombre al track al inicio,no se si esto te sirve.
Configuración global/track/nombrar track al inicio ✅
También encontrarás la opción de poner o no la fecha y hora en el nombre del track cuando se exporta a ficheros (tracklogs)


menu tracks/roads >> select the track >> select properties (characteristics) there you can rename the track and edit other characteristics.