MapMyTracks to a custom url

Started by Pavel, November 26, 2016, 07:26:42 PM

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I'm trying to use OruxMaps to send my location to a custom URL. The server is okay and when I'm sending data with
curl -u username:password --header "X-MyHeader: test"  http://site/mapmytracks
from my notebook, I can see this post request from the server. When I enter the username, password and url in OruxMaps and start a new track for recording, nothing is happening on the server side.

Can you tell me where I'm wrong?

Thank you in advance!


Quote from: "Pavel"Hello,

I'm trying to use OruxMaps to send my location to a custom URL. The server is okay and when I'm sending data with
curl -u username:password --header "X-MyHeader: test"  http://site/mapmytracks
from my notebook, I can see this post request from the server. When I enter the username, password and url in OruxMaps and start a new track for recording, nothing is happening on the server side.

Can you tell me where I'm wrong?

Thank you in advance!


the app needs one GPS fix position at least.

the data is sent each 20 seconds to the server if new data is present.



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "Pavel"Hello,

I'm trying to use OruxMaps to send my location to a custom URL. The server is okay and when I'm sending data with
curl -u username:password --header "X-MyHeader: test"  http://site/mapmytracks
from my notebook, I can see this post request from the server. When I enter the username, password and url in OruxMaps and start a new track for recording, nothing is happening on the server side.

Can you tell me where I'm wrong?

Thank you in advance!


the app needs one GPS fix position at least.

the data is sent each 20 seconds to the server if new data is present.


Thank you for the fast reply, Orux. In my access log I can see
"POST /mapmytracks HTTP/1.1" 401 20 "-" "Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.5)"
And yes, it's repeating every 20 seconds and again when I stop the track. I'm sure the credentials are correct but gets 401... Do you know what is happening?



I'm still facing this issue with the authentication. Can you advice me where to look for a solution.

When OruxMaps is trying to send data to the server in the access log is written:
"POST /mapmytracks HTTP/1.1" 401 20 "-" "Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.5)"
When I try to send data with the command:
curl -u username:password --header "X-MyHeader: test"  http://site/mapmytracks
In the access log I have:
"POST /mapmytracks HTTP/1.1" 200 115 "-" "curl/7.47.0"
So I think the basic authentication is working but I can not manage it to work with OruxMaps.


I've captured the post coming from OruxMaps. There is no Authentication credentials in it:

POST /mapmytracks HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Connection:      close
Content-Length:  340
Content-Type:    application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=ISO-8859-1
Host:            [edit]
User-Agent:      Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.5)


Every help is much appreciated! Thank you!