KML overlay: Cannot remove an old KML overlay

Started by NuevoMexicoUSA, March 23, 2022, 09:43:39 PM

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v855 GP

I have an old KML overlay I cannot get rid of. I have tried the following several times:

Keep KML overlays (Restore KML overlays after restarting the app) = OFF

Delete KML cache (Remove KML icons cached) = Did this

Overlay options: Remove Overlay: Chose this. It says "Removed all overlays" but there is still an overlay.

Any ideas? Maybe I will have to uninstall and reinstall with my settings file.



Quote from: NuevoMexicoUSA on March 23, 2022, 09:43:39 PM
v855 GP

I have an old KML overlay I cannot get rid of. I have tried the following several times:

Keep KML overlays (Restore KML overlays after restarting the app) = OFF

Delete KML cache (Remove KML icons cached) = Did this

Overlay options: Remove Overlay: Chose this. It says "Removed all overlays" but there is still an overlay.

Any ideas? Maybe I will have to uninstall and reinstall with my settings file.


Hola has probado la opción de limpiar capas?
Icono mapa/opciones de capa/ limpiar capa.

Talvez puede ser que no tengas cargado el kml como capa(superposición) y lo tengas cargado como track.
Puedes comprobar en "ajustar capas" todos los kml que tienes activados como superposición.


Google Translate:

Hello, have you tried the clean layers option?

Map icon / layer options / clear layer.

Perhaps it may be that you do not have the kml loaded as a layer (overlay) and you have it loaded as a track.

You can check in "adjust layers" all the kml that you have activated as an overlay.


Quote from: Tronpo on March 24, 2022, 08:37:24 AMHola

Hola. Please see attached image for current menu structure.

>> Map icon / layer options / clear layer: I think you mean "Remove Overlay"? Yes. I have tried this many times.

>> Actually a track? No, it is a KML that was never a track.


Hello NuevoMexicoUSA,
can you please post a screenshot of the map with the overlay and the symbols at the top left of the screen?


Quote from: Lenz on March 24, 2022, 08:50:41 PM
Hello NuevoMexicoUSA

I already did an uninstall and reinstall

The data directories were not changed and I quickly loaded the Profile I had saved off (I copy these to GDrive, but the file was not removed during the reinstall)

This only took a few minutes and everything works perfectly now, with Orux's unique interpretation of KML "layers" being turned on and off with a long press

I would guess the quote below still applies


2012: "kml is a very complex format, with a lot of tags. but I will work in the future with more tags (including styles)


I figured out what causes this problem.

If you click on a downloaded KML file with an Android file browser and "Open with OruxMaps" Just once / Always, this makes the overlay persistent.

I cannot remove it from Orux by deleting the file, clearing, restarting, etc. The only thing that works is reinstalling Orux.