Voice navigation sometimes is completely silent

Started by olwaldi, April 26, 2022, 08:46:00 AM

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As the topic already says: sometimes when I start voice navigation during a hike, the navigation is started, but there is no voice output. This problem does not occur everytime, but quite often.

Here is my usecase: Start hiking and logging. Works fine. After around 12km I decide to follow a newly created route starting at the current position going back to my starting point. Route creation works fine, following route, too. But instead of getting voice hints there are two short buzzer sounds. Following the route works fine, only the voice output is missing.

It's not a problem of my Android device - sometimes voice navigation works fine including sound.

If voice navigation is failing I could not get it to work again: I tried to stop logging, restarted oruxmap, re-created my route, even rebooted the Android smart phone. The navigation voice always keeps to be silent. I guess that the problem may be triggered if I start voice navigation AND the phone has already a GPS fix. Even after my reboot the GPS fix was instantaneous available before starting oruxmaps.

I'm using the current version oruxmaps v.8.5.5 GP under Android 9.1 on a Huawei Mate 9. I use the openstreet maps from OpenAndroMaps.

Hope there is a workaround - or sometimes a fix for that annoying issue,



Quote from: olwaldi on April 26, 2022, 08:46:00 AM
As the topic already says: sometimes when I start voice navigation during a hike, the navigation is started, but there is no voice output. This problem does not occur everytime, but quite often.

Here is my usecase: Start hiking and logging. Works fine. After around 12km I decide to follow a newly created route starting at the current position going back to my starting point. Route creation works fine, following route, too. But instead of getting voice hints there are two short buzzer sounds. Following the route works fine, only the voice output is missing.

It's not a problem of my Android device - sometimes voice navigation works fine including sound.

If voice navigation is failing I could not get it to work again: I tried to stop logging, restarted oruxmap, re-created my route, even rebooted the Android smart phone. The navigation voice always keeps to be silent. I guess that the problem may be triggered if I start voice navigation AND the phone has already a GPS fix. Even after my reboot the GPS fix was instantaneous available before starting oruxmaps.

I'm using the current version oruxmaps v.8.5.5 GP under Android 9.1 on a Huawei Mate 9. I use the openstreet maps from OpenAndroMaps.

Hope there is a workaround - or sometimes a fix for that annoying issue,


Do you have your warnings properly configured for both tracks and Waypoints?Do the routes you follow have turn indicators?


Yes. The route is created by oruxmaps itself based upon OpenAndroMaps. During my hike I've decided to use a spontaneous created new route/track to go back to my starting point. The turning points are included and visible after I've selected to follow the new route. But instead of voice navigation I got only one or two buzzer sounds.

When I tried exactly the same on another hike with the same software (oruxmaps & brouter & OpenAndroMaps) it worked fine, i.e. I got voice sound.

It worked fine with some older version of oruxmaps (sorry, don't know the version).

But before the first faiure I had trouble with a new google security feature - google disables all access rights for "unused" apps automatically, and brouter had lost all its access rights. I've manually re-activated the missing rights. Hope that google security will automatically learn, not to discard rights again.

Regards, Michael


Quote from: olwaldi on April 30, 2022, 05:11:49 PM
Yes. The route is created by oruxmaps itself based upon OpenAndroMaps. During my hike I've decided to use a spontaneous created new route/track to go back to my starting point. The turning points are included and visible after I've selected to follow the new route. But instead of voice navigation I got only one or two buzzer sounds.

When I tried exactly the same on another hike with the same software (oruxmaps & brouter & OpenAndroMaps) it worked fine, i.e. I got voice sound.

It worked fine with some older version of oruxmaps (sorry, don't know the version).

But before the first faiure I had trouble with a new google security feature - google disables all access rights for "unused" apps automatically, and brouter had lost all its access rights. I've manually re-activated the missing rights. Hope that google security will automatically learn, not to discard rights again.

Regards, Michael

No esperes que Google aprenda que tiene o no tiene que desactivar,ve a los ajuste de android y deshabilita la opción de quitar derechos aplicaciones no usadas en un tiempo.
Anticipate a la jugada


Yesterday I've checked voice navigation once more using the current version 9.0 GP. And it worked flawlessly. But besides the different version I did change two settings:

Oruxmaps 9.0 did give a hint to configure power management - thus I've discovered an additional Android configuration item to disable power management for oruxmap, now engaged. And I have engaged the option within oruxmaps to add navigation information within the starting point.

Can't tell why voice navigation now is working, but of course I'm glad that the sound now works!

Regards, Michael


Quote from: olwaldi on May 11, 2022, 07:45:25 AM
Yesterday I've checked voice navigation once more using the current version 9.0 GP. And it worked flawlessly. But besides the different version I did change two settings:

Oruxmaps 9.0 did give a hint to configure power management - thus I've discovered an additional Android configuration item to disable power management for oruxmap, now engaged. And I have engaged the option within oruxmaps to add navigation information within the starting point.

Can't tell why voice navigation now is working, but of course I'm glad that the sound now works!

Regards, Michael

Pues me alegro de que te funcione!!
Una duda ,cuando usas Oruxmaps llevas el teléfono con o sin datos?
La pregunta concreta es :
Cuando cargas la ruta,en ese momento tienes datos en el teléfono o tarjeta sim activa?.
Aunque después desactives los datos y la tarjeta... estoy comprobando si este hecho esta relacionado con los avisos de voz.

Gracias 👍


Sorry to come back to my issue, but I again encounter this problem regularly. I. e.  oruxmaps is completely silent, no voice. If I start from a fresh android boot the voice seems to work fine. Thus there seem to be no access rights problem nor a configuration issue wirhin oruxmaps. I'm using the most recent GP version (9.0.4 GP) on Huawei mate 9.

If the voice if missing the major difference to the working conditions are:
- no Internet access (of course no WLAN outdoors),
- track logging (and thus GPS) within oruxmaps activated,
- route created successfully using brouter offline during my hike.
And if the voice is missing, I'm unable to activate it. I've tried to stop/restart oruxmaps, I've even rebooted android. If silent it stays silent whatever I've tried.

Does voice navigation rely on Internet access? That would be really bad for outdoor use.

Regards, Michael


what are your settings in "settings-> Text To Spech/Sounds -> Waypoints" ?


That's difficult to report since I'm using the German interface. Roughly all items are ticked within sound menu with the exception of reporting the detailed waypoint description.

But as I wrote I do assume that all my settings are fine,  because the voice navigation sometimes WORKS as expected without changing any setting. I've tried it this morning successfully within my garden:-). I could even proof right now that voice navigation works if WLAN is switched off:-(

Thus there must be something else wrong... And, as I wrote previously, if it is not working it fails continuously independent from restart/reboot. Maybe an existing GPS fix is blocking the voice? What else might "survive" a reboot?

Regards, Michael


I might have discovered the root cause of my problem: I often use earplugs to listen to some internet radio stations. Of course when I want to follow a route with oruxmaps the earplugs are unplugged (even with a reboot of Android). But oruxmaps seems not to be able to engage the loudspeakers. If I now first start audials (my internet radio app) my favourite radio station appears on loudspeakers. Now I close audials and start oruxmaps. And voice navigation always works as expected.

Hope that will be a stable workaround.

Regards, Michael

2022-09-07: It is even crucial to use the "proper" app to enable sound for oruxmaps. Starting audials, closing audials = no sound. If audials stays alive (but paused) = sound. Using neutron instead = no sound. Using PA tone, closing PA tone = sound. Thus my workaround will be to go with PA tone. Maybe also important: the action sequence within oruxmaps - start gps logging - create route using brouter - follow route. Odten logging is active when I start to create the brouter route to be followed.