New beta version 9.X betaxxxx [CLOSED]

Started by orux, May 11, 2022, 03:34:31 AM

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For m'y part, when I export a track in GPX format this is the date and time of the exportation that is used. It's a little bit annoying.
Is it possible to have the date and time of the departure of the track (as before I think).


settings / user interface / cursor
the first option says "Gps Cursor icon". maybe it must change the Gps to GPS

into every submenu, on the top says "Oruxmaps GP". I think it will be nice if it says the full path of the setting path we are. For example "settings / user interface / cursor"


Quote from: lneam on June 19, 2022, 10:58:45 PM
settings / user interface / cursor
the first option says "Gps Cursor icon". maybe it must change the Gps to GPS

into every submenu, on the top says "Oruxmaps GP". I think it will be nice if it says the full path of the setting path we are. For example "settings / user interface / cursor"

En la 9.0.4 beta 7 ya existe el "direccionamiento completo en la cabecera " como comentas ,en la próxima actualización lo tendrás en GP.


Quote from: YvanCB on June 19, 2022, 12:32:36 PM
For m'y part, when I export a track in GPX format this is the date and time of the exportation that is used. It's a little bit annoying.
Is it possible to have the date and time of the departure of the track (as before I think).

I have made some tests.

For example, for a track started at 06:29:09 on 2022-06-19, if I save it on 2022-06-20 at 18:31:59 the obaitened file name is like this:
2022-06-20 18:31:59 (date and time of the exportation).
Cann you tell me if it's a desired situation?

In attached files you can find the exported gpx file and a screenshot of the track in the database.



Positive remaining altitude does not work for some time. My friends and me find it very useful so would it possible to make it work again?
Thanks a lot


Quote from: YvanCB on June 19, 2022, 12:32:36 PM
For m'y part, when I export a track in GPX format this is the date and time of the exportation that is used. It's a little bit annoying.
Is it possible to have the date and time of the departure of the track (as before I think).


I found why the file format is wrong. In fact when I export my track in GPX file Oruxmaps ask me a question : "Joint the track segments if possible?".

  • If I say "YES" the file format is wrong. The date of the exportation day is used.
  • If I say "NO" the file format is OK. The date of the track is used.

Can you tell me where is the option to remove this question? Or, better solution, can you solve this issue by using the track date?


  • When I use Oruxmaps 9.0.4beta7 version on another smartphone there's no message about joining segments ==> no problem with the name of the exported GPX file.
  • When I use Oruxmaps 9.0.4beta6 version on another smartphone there's no message about joining segments ==> no problem with the name of the exported GPX file.
  • When I use Oruxmaps 9.0.3GP there's no message about joining segments ==> no problem with the name of the exported GPX file.


Quote from: BP on June 21, 2022, 03:20:27 PM
Positive remaining altitude does not work for some time. My friends and me find it very useful so would it possible to make it work again?
Thanks a lot
Hola!! En la 9.0.4 beta 7 funciona correctamente,pruébalo,en la próxima actualización de GP imagino que estará solucionado


Does any body has this kind of popup during exportation (in GPX file format for example):

Is there an option somewhere to remove this?



Hello YvanCB,

this function has been introduced in 9.0.4. beta 7 by request.
Quote from: orux on June 17, 2022, 03:49:59 PM
I have added an option that asks before exporting a track/route if you want to join the segments (when this is possible). Added in the latest beta.


Another request by the same user is, to activate/deactivate this function in the settings, so that the popup does not appear each time you export a track. Until now there is no way to suppress this popup.
Quote from: franck.etienne on June 18, 2022, 10:57:41 AM
Hi Orux,
It's works in latest version, thank's.
Would it be possible to put this option in tracklog configuration so you don't have to do it every time ?


into the last screeshot from user YvanCB, we can see up and down a lot of icons. I have visit the pdf manual of version 9, but i could not found the meaning of them. There are some of them into the first pages, but not all of them. It will be nice to be a section also for those icons.


Quote from: lneam on June 24, 2022, 07:09:45 AM
into the last screeshot from user YvanCB, we can see up and down a lot of icons. I have visit the pdf manual of version 9, but i could not found the meaning of them. There are some of them into the first pages, but not all of them. It will be nice to be a section also for those icons.

La respuesta las tienes en el propio interfaz de Oruxmaps,puedes hacer pulsación prolongada sobre cada icono y te saldrá una etiqueta con el nombre, también puedes pulsar la [ ? ] que aparece en los menús y el interfaz te hará un pequeño tutorial/ guía de los elementos que ves en pantalla.

Buen fin de semana!!


Quote from: Tronpo on June 24, 2022, 08:30:49 AM
La respuesta las tienes en el propio interfaz de Oruxmaps,puedes hacer pulsación prolongada sobre cada icono y te saldrá una etiqueta con el nombre, también puedes pulsar la [ ? ] que aparece en los menús y el interfaz te hará un pequeño tutorial/ guía de los elementos que ves en pantalla.

Buen fin de semana!!
thanks tronpo
this is one more proof, that the manual is unfinished.



This new feature is a good thing but the problem is that the file name created with this option "ON" gives a bad file name.



Quote from: lneam on June 24, 2022, 10:49:36 AM
thanks tronpo
this is one more proof, that the manual is unfinished.

Hi, when completing the pdf manual, it would be useful to add details on the various track altitude corrections and altitude algorithm (threshold /point to point).
For ascending sport track altitude is very important and I think it is usefull and interesting to understand the great work behind this software functions  ::)


Quote from: ut on June 24, 2022, 02:46:08 PM
Hi, when completing the pdf manual, it would be useful to add details on the various track altitude corrections and altitude algorithm (threshold /point to point).
For ascending sport track altitude is very important and I think it is usefull and interesting to understand the great work behind this software functions  ::)

Algoritmos de elevaciones

'punto a punto', que lo que hace es ir calculando los desniveles cada XX metros, e ir sumando en función si es positivo o negativo. Este método funciona más o menos bien, salvo cuando tienes uno de esos GPS mala calidad  o en terrenos muy llanos y rutas largas, debido a que el GPS va siempre errando al dar la altura, con lo que al final de una ruta llana larga siempre tienes un acumulado de subida/bajada importante, que extraña al usuario, cuando en realidad ha hecho una ruta de 40 km a nivel del mar, igual da un desnivel acumulado arriba/abajo de unos cientos de metros.

Por umbrales.
No calcula incremento/decremento hasta que no se sube/baja bastantes metros, de esta forma se corrigen las pequeñas oscilaciones de error del GPS, que suelen ser de pocos metros, con lo que en un recorrido muy llano y largo, si el GPS es medianamente bueno, se calcula mejor el acumulado a lo largo de muchos kilómetros.
Pero claro, falla bastante si el GPS es muy malo, o en recorridos habituales de montaña, puede dar valores peores que el antiguo 'punto a punto'

Así que tienes las dos opciones,dependiendo de la ruta que vas hacer te conviene uno u otro...

Es un tema que siempre  ha dado mucha guerra, que al final se soluciona usando buenos ficheros DEM, un barómetro, corrigiendo al final la ruta usando un buen servicio online...
o suavizando el perfil, que es lo que mejor funciona, pero claro!   durante el recorrido te dara unos valores, y luego al final, al terminar otros, normalmente más bajos. Nunca llueve a gusto de todos .


Como ejemplo usemos los DEM de Sonny (tienen una resolución vertical de 1m)

Si no hay cambios de altura en 2 cuadros seguidos del DEM, marcara la misma altura.

El GPS puede marcar en el tramo de 30 mts lineales 10, 15 o 20 alturas diferentes. El DEM marcara sólo una altura.

DEM Sonny 1 " 👇(cobertura Europa)
Parcela 20mx30m

DEM NASA 1"👇(cobertura Mundial)
Parcela 30mx30m

Para que te hagas una idea de la diferencia los Dem que descargas por defecto en Oruxmaps son de 3" parcela de 90mx90m

Espero haberte ayudado... almenos esa es la idea😅