Error 9.0.2

Started by Haldo, May 23, 2022, 09:43:00 PM

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I finally receive the new version 9.0.2 and I migrate all the data when asked


Dem files i have were not copied, track db were not copied, mapstyles were not copied  and there is a strange error when update map database (attachment)

I managed to copy by hand dem, mapstyles and track db and now they are present in the folder.

I download the new versions of openandromaps but there is still the error and I cannot load the map.

What happened?    I tried a beta version two months ago (and then unistalled) and everything worked fine


are your maps stored on micro-SD card ("125A-E3AF" looks like that)?
If yes, maybe try a different card.
Or first try to put your map on internal phones storage, open from there.
Adjust Settings->App storage->  Maps directory



Creo que Android nos ha jodido bien.

Parece que ya no es posible a acceder a los mapas alojados en la tarjeta MicroSD y que hay que copiarlos a la parte de la memoria del Smartphone reservada para datos, para poderlos ver en OruxMaps.

Los mapas ocupan muchos Gb y no hay espacio suficiente en el almacenamiento del Smartphone. Por ejemplo: Los mapas del IGN de la provincia de Zaragoza, son 4 y entre todos ocupan más de 6,5Gb y si añadimos los 4 de Lleida salen 5,6Gb más. Total, 2 provincias limítrofes se comen 12Gb de memoria.

Si esto es así y no se puede arreglar, hay dos soluciones para los que nos quedamos cortos en almacenamiento:

1ª Comprar un Smartphone con más memoria de almacenamiento, lo que supone un gasto.

2º Seguir con los mapas en la MicroSD (Tarjeta externa) y copiar con antelación el mapa o los mapas que vayamos a utilizar en la carpeta de la memoria de datos interna, en mi caso:
/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/Files/oruxmaps/mapfiles/ Luego, para la siguiente ruta, si se necesitan otros mapas, borrar los anteriores de la memoria de datos y copiar los que se necesiten. O sea, utilizar la MicroSD como repositorio de mapas. Un coñazo pero, si no estoy equivocado, es lo que hay.

Un saludo LuisMa


I don't have micro sd so that's not the issue....

i tried everything but the problems still stands.

I solved uninstall everything and do it again from scratch...  now works perfectly.

Anyway when i check the memory position of maps dem etc.... it gave me two options to store the files:




what's the difference and which one should I have to choose...

seems to works both ways



Creo que en tu caso los datos de mapas,  DEM, WP, Tracks, etc deben de almacenarse en emulated/0/android/data.....

La carpeta 125a-e3af/android/data/....., en mi caso es la tarjeta externa, que es una MicroSD, en la que hasta ahora tenía los mapas y que debo copiar a emulated/0/android/data..... para que OruxMaps los pueda leer.



Unfortunately yesterday I upgraded the well worked gp version...It now always restart, can't start (exit) randomly. It is possible downgrade anyway, from official site. (on Android 4.2)


I don't think it's possible....   anyway I noticed strange behaviour when i upgraded....

it was stuck for some time at every start of the app... with "checking previous backup" or something like that...
I solved deleting everything unistalling and copy by hand the files i needed

So....   copy the content of the original oruxmap folder in some place like document cartel (just to be safe)

uninstall everything - install from scratch.  open the app and check if eveything works   (don't bother if it's not like you used to see it)

if it works. shut it down and copy maps dem tracks preferences and so on in the new android/data/com.orumaps.donate folder

apply your profile preferences and check the path of the files in the menu-application


It seems the last chance: factory reset, no SD card, and reinstall gp version. When I have enough time... Thx the advice!