System settings for display via oruxmaps

Started by bikefrog, December 21, 2016, 02:43:44 PM

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Dear orux,

before I use oruxmaps for navigation on my bike, I used to make three preliminarily adjustmens for trouble-free function:

1. the display should stay ALLWAYS ON

2. the display should allways be on MAXIMUM BRIGHTNESS to improve visability in the sun

3. the display should be fixed in PORTRAIT-MODE

I accomlished this with the app "app config". The app allows to preset different settings for a specific app. That means, when "app config" is opened, before oruxmaps is started, all in "app config" programmed special settings for oruxmaps will be in function. This prevents you from establishing all the needed settings manually. And from withdrawing them, after leaving oruxmaps. Just close "app config" and it is done.

This worked very well until now. Recently I bought a new Phone: Samsung Galaxy S7 with Android 6.0.1. Unfortunately "app config" is not working any more on my new phone. And I couldn't find an alternative app, that provides the same functionality.

I searched in the oruxmaps-settings and found, that at least point 3 (fixing portrait-mode) is covered. Point 1 (display allways on) is only available for track-recording. And point 2 (brightness) is only available, when "display allways on" is activated and therefore indirectly is also limited to track-recording.

My proposal: It would be nice to have the option to controll points 1 (display allways on) and 2 (display brightness) via oruxmaps-settings generally and not only for track-recording. And for the display brightness it would be even better, when the brightness could be set to aspecific value and not only to maximum. This is, because I found out, that the Galaxy S7 provides a VERY bright display when set to maximum. Much brighter, then my old phone. So maximum-brightness might be not necessary ore even undesirable for cloudy days or using oruxmaps indoors. The best thing would be a button, to quickly switch between two or three presetted brightness-settings.

Many wishes. I know. But is'nt it christmas time ? ;-)

Thank You once more for Your lovely programm.

With best regards
