Dashboard - ETE questions

Started by G_flow, July 01, 2022, 05:05:41 PM

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Hello, could you help me with the following?

a. What is the exact difference between the two in the picture attached? And how the ETE and ETA are calculated, based on what speed?

b. What do the + signs and the number afterward mean? See in the other picture, inside an orange circle.

Thank you!


Hi, ETE is the estimated time you have still to go to the arrival.  ETA is the estimated time at the arrival.


Thank you, lacdan. Can I get a more comprehensive answer from someone?


Hello G_flow, You can specify a mean speed on which ETE and ETA will be estimated: global options >> tracks/roads >> mean speed.


Quote from: G_flow on July 02, 2022, 06:05:49 PM
Thank you, lacdan. Can I get a more comprehensive answer from someone?

Hola! Creo que la diferencia es que [ETE] es el tiempo que te queda para llegar.
Y [ETA] es la hora a la que vas a llegar.
Al menos esta es la información que me da a mí en ruta.