New beta versions 9.4.xx [CLOSED]

Started by orux, August 23, 2022, 07:00:00 PM

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It is time for a new beta version.

            —>Viewshed calculation (Map tools-->viewshed)
            —>Improved interface.

            —>New SOS SMS notification system. Given the limitations of the SOS function, that we cannot use the sending of SMS as Google restricts the use of that permission and that sending emails using a Gmail account no longer works, I have created an independent app, which does the same function, standalone or it can be activated/deactivated from OruxMaps. 
The new app (use with care, under testing!).
            —>Bugs corrections.

            —>Bugs corrections.
            —>OruxSoS update.

            —>New dashboard controls, averaged pitch/roll, added to the instantaneous measurements, to give stability to the values, for example using the bike. You can modify the time in global configuration-->sensors-->orientation sensors.
            —>New dashboard controls, averaged power T1 and T2. For BT and ANT+ bike power sensors. You can configure the T1 and T2 in global settings-->sensors-->Power bike BT or sensors-->ANT+.

            —>bugs correction.

            —>bugs correction with garmin typ files.

Use previously this beta apk if you want to use the directories in the root of the internal/SD storage.



Hello Orux!
When I started the new beta, i didn't recognize 'my' mountains: the light for hill shading now comes from SW instead of NW. Very challenging for an old man's brain ... but maybe it's just a bug.

The new viewshed function is really great!
One suggestion: Could you add the possibility to invert the colouring of the visible/not visible areas. I think it is more intuitive to have the non visible areas dimmed than the visible ones.

Could you please add a button to add to the button bar for the function 'Compass always visible'?



Hola, tengo un problema que por más que lo intento no se solucionar, pasaba también en versiones anteriores de la beta, explico lo que me sucede.
Uso Oruxmaps para mis salidas en bicicleta mountain baike, desde hace poco uso otra aplicación para guardar los tracks, puesto que me permite usar el giroscopo del teléfono para indicarme la pendiente actual (ya se que eso también lo hace Oruxmaps, pero esa aplicación hace más medias (creo que de unos 3 segundos y el resultado es muy bueno, con oruxmaps es demasiado inestable pues entiendo que afecta cada pedalada), además en esa aplicación puedo tener la temperatura desde un dispositivo bluetooth muy barato. Sigo usando oruxmaps para seguir las rutas, medir distancias, etc pues me gusta mucho más. Explico lo que me pasa: He desconectado todos los sensores de oruxmaps, puesto que los datos de los sensores los lee la otra aplicación,  pero recibo un aviso contínuamente de que se ha perdido la conexión con el dispositivo Bluetooth, pero no se cual es, y ya no se donde mirar.

Agradecería alguna ayuda.

Muchas gracias.

------------translated with google translate ----------

Hello, I have a problem that no matter how hard I try, I can't solve it, it also happened in previous versions of the beta, I explain what happens to me.
I use Oruxmaps for my mountain bike rides, recently I use another application to save the tracks, since it allows me to use the phone's gyroscope to indicate the current slope (I know Oruxmaps does that too, but that application does more averages (I think about 3 seconds and the result is very good, with oruxmaps it is too unstable because I understand that it affects each pedal stroke), also in that application I can have the temperature from a very cheap bluetooth device. I continue using oruxmaps to follow the routes , measure distances, etc. I like it much more. I explain what happens to me: I have disconnected all the oruxmaps sensors, since the sensor data is read by the other application, but I continually receive a warning that the connection has been lost with the Bluetooth device, but I don't know what it is, and I don't know where to look anymore.

I would appreciate some help.

Thank you very much.


No se si hay algún log en el que pueda ver a que sensor se está intentando conectar


I don't know if there is any log where I can see which sensor it is trying to connect to


Hola Orux!!
Felicidades por la nueva imagen , en mi opinión hacía falta ,ahora la interfaz  es más visual.
Botones redondos y la personalización de los elementos del visor de mapas fantástico.
Los menús desplegables en los gestores favorecen el uso al usuario general ,con la definición de cada función.
La "cuenca visual" muy útil para tener una referencia,sería bueno poder guardar el área de visión en la base de datos.



I have strange results using the new fonction Viewshed.
Can you have a look to the 2 pictures below (Relief Map and Viewshed) and tell me why there is a vertical straight line?




Hi Orux,
very nice new interface! 8)
I would request you  a new function in order to use vocal messages TTS for ascending quote
In general settings - voice - tracks if I select "1" at "Distance for TTS"  I correctly get my selected "messages to speak" every 1km.
On the other side in some mountain activities (sky-alp, vertical Km race) distance (Km) is not significant, but is is interesting
the difference in height (m) / ascending quote (m).
So I'd like (and I think it can be usefull for many people) to receive a vocal message every 100m (or 50m) of difference in height made.


Quote from: ut on August 27, 2022, 07:52:48 PM
Hi Orux,
very nice new interface! 8)
I would request you  a new function in order to use vocal messages TTS for ascending quote
In general settings - voice - tracks if I select "1" at "Distance for TTS"  I correctly get my selected "messages to speak" every 1km.
On the other side in some mountain activities (sky-alp, vertical Km race) distance (Km) is not significant, but is is interesting
the difference in height (m) / ascending quote (m).
So I'd like (and I think it can be usefull for many people) to receive a vocal message every 100m (or 50m) of difference in height made.

or...if I may....   when one reach a certain altitude....  like a message when reaching.... for instance... 2000 meters or some other value that the user sets


I still have GPS issue with my Huawei p40 pro +.

Sometimes, after a long period without any action from my part on the smartphone, the GPS seem to switch off.
I try lot of things but noway, problem remains ☹️.
I just have to launch another application using GPS (GPS Locker for example) and to signal comes back for Oruxmaps.

If a audio warning is send by Oruxmaps when the GPS signal is lost I could do something quickly to solve the problem.
Is it possible to do that?


Hello Orux,

it looks that in this beta the "re-creation / re-generation of thumbnails" doesn't work at all.

Please let me know if there is a new option now.

Regards, Andrea

PS: I have screenshots to show you, but I cannot upload due to the 500kB limitation


Quote from: YvanCB on August 28, 2022, 02:17:20 PM
I still have GPS issue with my Huawei p40 pro +.

Sometimes, after a long period without any action from my part on the smartphone, the GPS seem to switch off.
I try lot of things but noway, problem remains ☹️.
I just have to launch another application using GPS (GPS Locker for example) and to signal comes back for Oruxmaps.

If a audio warning is send by Oruxmaps when the GPS signal is lost I could do something quickly to solve the problem.
Is it possible to do that?

Perhaps I'am saying trivial things, but I suggest you to verify 2 android settings:
- gps: oruxmaps can access gps position always and not only durings use
- battery management: oruxmaps is never optimized, that is it can run in background


Quote from: ut on August 29, 2022, 06:40:06 PM
Perhaps I'am saying trivial things, but I suggest you to verify 2 android settings:
- gps: oruxmaps can access gps position always and not only durings use
- battery management: oruxmaps is never optimized, that is it can run in background

Thank you "UT"  for the answer but I have done these 2 things.
I'm lost😢😭.


Hello Orux,
The first time I use the new function called "viewshed" the menu to erase the blue overlay is not present (overlay options/remove overlay).
I have to load another time a "viewshed".

PS: If I use the button "Tweak Overlay" on the side bar it's possible to hide or delete this overlay.


Quote from: YvanCB on August 26, 2022, 03:26:27 PM
I have strange results using the new fonction Viewshed.
Can you have a look to the 2 pictures below (Relief Map and Viewshed) and tell me why there is a vertical straight line?



hello!! the visual basin uses the DEM files for the calculation, maybe it was an error when do the algorithm have you tried them again?or with other DEM files?


Quote from: Lenz on August 23, 2022, 10:57:34 PM
Hello Orux!
When I started the new beta, i didn't recognize 'my' mountains: the light for hill shading now comes from SW instead of NW. Very challenging for an old man's brain ... but maybe it's just a bug.

The new viewshed function is really great!
One suggestion: Could you add the possibility to invert the colouring of the visible/not visible areas. I think it is more intuitive to have the non visible areas dimmed than the visible ones.

Could you please add a button to add to the button bar for the function 'Compass always visible'?

With the current beta version this problem should be solved.
Delete the vector cache to force the refresh of that tiles,



Quote from: ut on August 27, 2022, 07:52:48 PM
Hi Orux,
very nice new interface! 8)
I would request you  a new function in order to use vocal messages TTS for ascending quote
In general settings - voice - tracks if I select "1" at "Distance for TTS"  I correctly get my selected "messages to speak" every 1km.
On the other side in some mountain activities (sky-alp, vertical Km race) distance (Km) is not significant, but is is interesting
the difference in height (m) / ascending quote (m).
So I'd like (and I think it can be usefull for many people) to receive a vocal message every 100m (or 50m) of difference in height made.

I will add that option, it is a good idea,
