Strava upload missing HR

Started by Speeder, October 27, 2022, 09:34:07 PM

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Dear Oruxers!

I'm using OruxMaps GP. When I finish a workout and press on stop, I set OruxMaps to automatically pop up Strava upload. Since a few versions ago, OruxMaps has stopped uploading my heart rate information to Strava. Everything else gets correctly uploaded except for that. If I manually export a TCX file and upload it to Strava, everything's fine. It would be very nice if this bug could be fixed.


Dear all,

Is there any solution or ETA for fix?

I have same problem from last year and now it became critical for me - i cant share my HR data via Strava with my online trainer anymore.

I am using Oruxmaps as direct replacement for Strava app and this bug prevents me form using it.


Hola. He usado Oruxmaps durante años (enhorabuena al equipo, la app es un monstruo) y hace un tiempo empecé a subir los tracks a Strava.
Acabo de empezar a usar un pulsómetro y todo funciona genial con la app. Pero tengo el mismo problema que se describe en este hilo cuando subo el track a Strava desde la aplicación de OruxMaps.
El track se sube sin problemas como ha estado haciendo hasta ahora, pero no hay rastro de los datos del pulsómetro.
¿Hay algo que estemso haciendo mal?
Gracias de antemano.


Hi. I have been using Oruxmpas for years (congratulations to the team, the app is a beast!) and lately I started uploading tracks to Strava.
I have just started using a heart rate monitor and everything records nicely in the app. However, I have the same issue mentioned in this thread when uploading the track to Strava from OruxMaps app.
The track ulpoads as nicely as it has been doing, but the heart rate data does not seem to be there at all?
Is there something we are missing?
Thanks in advance.


SOLUCIÓN: Ok, parece que sólo tenía que habilitar "permitir acceso" a los datos de frequencia cardiaca dentro de "permisos de datos" en Strava. El siguiente track que subí directamente desde Oruxmaps ya se subió con los datos de frequencia cardiaca.


SOLVED: Ok. So it seems I had to enable "Health-Related Data" under "Data Permissions" in Strava. Next track I uploaded directly from Oruxmaps it uploaded with HR data.