Using layered maps that overlap

Started by m32825, January 14, 2017, 02:35:21 PM

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I have two sets of layered maps that cover the same area. I get a prompt every time I change zoom asking me which I want to use. Is there a way to switch to one of the layered maps and not get prompted when I change zoom levels? Thanks!

    -- Carl


You have 2 ways to get it.

A- Go to Mapsettings->Zoom settings ->  Uncheck Zoom autoload option

B- Go to switch map -> Long click on the folder that contains the maps you dont want to load-> Now you will see the folder with a lock icon.  By this way that folder is disabled, so the map viewer will not use those maps. Those maps will not appear on the prompt /the  prompt would not appear.

Notice that using the second way the maps must be placed in different folders.

Hope it helps :-)


Yes, that's it, exactly what I was looking for. As a bonus I also learned that I can organize my maps directory. Thanks!

    -- Carl


It would be great if it was an "zoom autoload, stay in root folder" option. Let say you have 3 different maps for same area arranged in 3 "root folders" in map directory. Each of the 3 folders contains multiple files for different zoom levels. Now when you zoom, it will ask you to select one of the 3 different maps. As mentioned you can disable the 2 other folders to automatic load from only the third folder without questions. Now if you want to look at a different map, then you have to enable that folder and optional disable the other folder, if you don't want the select map question all the time. If the maps are stored in different files for each zoom level, this is very annoying, since you get this question each time you zoom in and out.

So the idea is an option that gives you the possibility to only zoom and automatic load maps within the same root folder (with optional subfolders). As long as you don't have overlapping maps in that root directory, it should not ask. If you want to switch to another map type, you can go to "switch map here" or "switch map" as usual. Then you will be locked to the maps in the same directory tree as the one you selected.

Exampel of map structure:

mapfiles->topo->topo_zoom1-13, topo_zoom14, topo_zoom15, etc.

mapfiles->satellite->satellite_zoom1-13, satellite_zoom14, satellite_zoom15, etc.

mapfiles->hybrid->hybrid_zoom1-13, hybrid_zoom14, hybrid_zoom15, etc.

So again, if all folders are enabled, it should stay within topo root folder if you manually select for example topo_zoom14 and zoom out. Like it is now it will ask if you want to load from topo, satellite and hybrid.



I have the same problem as you. Have you found a solution to avoid these questions every time you zoom in and out on an area with overlapping maps?
The screen when OM asking me what map I want to load:

For information I put a screenshot of the kind of overlapping I'm talking about:


PS: I think I found a solution to my problem of OM asking wich Map I want to load. The maps were created at different date. Then the pictures shown for the same area are not the same.


In the previous post I was thinking that I found a solution. I fact no, I still have problems when I zoom in in a overlapped area.

When I'm riding and I'm looking for my way with OM I have to zoom-in and zoom-out very often.
It's very annoying to have a pop-up asking me what map I want to use every time that I search in a overlapped area.

@orux: Is it possible to have an option in the parameters of OM to avoid this pop-up?



Did you UNcheck the option "Zoom autoload" in Zoom settings ?
AND also, in "Load maps automatically" option, chose "Scrolling out of avail. range" (or "Never") but NOT "Always" ?

With these settings, I NEVER have the behaviour you describe...




Pour rappel voici le pop-up ennuyeux dont je parle:

Ce pop-up apparait lorsque je zoome sur une zone dont 2 fonds de cartes se chevauchent.
Lorsque sur le terrain je cher cherche mon chemin en utilisant OM je suis obligé de zoomer et dé-zoomer plusieurs fois d'affilé. Du coup j'ai ce pop-up à répétition => c'est vraiment embêtant!

Lorsque je désélectionne l'option "Setting/Maps/Zoom settings/Zoom autoload" il n'y a plus de pop-up mais du coup plus de changement de zoom non plus (mais je crois que c'est le but précis de cette option).

J'ai également modifier l'option "Settings/Maps/Load maps automatically" pour la mettre sur "Scrolling out of avail. range".

Malgré la modification de ces options j'ai toujours le souci de pop up.

Suis-je en train de rater quelque chose ou y a-t-il un axe d'amélioration possible sur OM?



As a reminder here is the annoying pop-up I'm talking about:

It happens when I zoom in on an area where there is overlapping with 2 maps.
When in the field I'm looking for my way using OM I have to zoom in and out several times in a row. So I have this pop-up repeatedly => very annoying!

When I deselect the "Setting/Maps/Zoom settings/Zoom autoload" option there is no more pop-up but no more zoom changes either (but I think that is the precise purpose of this option).

I also changed the "Settings/Maps/Load maps automatically" option to "Scrolling out of avail. range".

Despite modifying these options I still have the problem of pop up.

Am I missing something or is there a possible area for improvement on OM?



QuoteWhen I deselect the "Setting/Maps/Zoom settings/Zoom autoload" option there is no more pop-up but no more zoom changes either

This mean that your different maps contain ONLY ONE zoom level each, isn't it ?
Why do not have, in the SAME map, the different zoom levels ? This is the "standard behaviour" for OM map files....

If you have only one zoom level in each distinct map, obviously changing zoom level requires a map switching. And if you have several maps (several distinct map files) that provide the required zoom level for the current position, how do you want that OM may know which one you want... then it asks for. Normal and intelligent behaviour....

What I would suggest you is to gather in a unique map file all zoom levels for each zone. You can even do that with MOBAC, provided your existing map files are in MBtiles SQlite format, or also some other formats (I don't remeber exactly which ones...) : Mobac reads your existing files, and can generate a multi level map file.


I recently recreated all maps I need.
Here is the list of all possible maps (not all created because I don't need all these one):

  • Zoom 02 to 14 :    1 file for all the France. File created
  • zoom 15 :    4 files for all the France. Files created
  • zoom 16 :    16 files for all the France. Files created
  • zoom 17 :    64 files for all the France. Some of these files are created
  • zoom 18 :    256 files for all the France. Some of these files are created

Quotehow do you want that OM may know which one you want... then it asks for. Normal and intelligent behaviour....
In fact OM could choose the one it wants because the overlapped area shown exactly the same thing.

QuoteWhat I would suggest you is to gather in a unique map file all zoom levels for each zone.
Maybe I can try your idea. But if I want to have the z18 that represents lots of different files.
I will let you know about this option...



My suggestion : Keep your "splitting" of France as the one currently defined for Z18.
But in each of these files, add all the levels from 2 to 18, (or less for the region where you don't need so high zoom).

Keep in mind that a map files with all zoom levels from 2 to 18 is "only" 33% larger than a file with only zoom 18 (each zoom level takes 4 times the space of lower level, or 1/4 of space of upper level)

PS :
QuoteIn fact OM could choose the one it wants because the overlapped area shown exactly the same thing.
YOU know that, but OM ignores it.... It could be different map sources

PPS : I'm not convinced by the interest to have levels 2 to 7.... but if you want them, don't hesitate : Add them has almost "no cost" in term of map file size.

PPPS : I'm no more convinced as well by the interest to go over level 16. If you stop to this level, apply my recommendation, but to your 16 files for France.
More generally : Generate your 16 files with all levels up to 16, plus those of the 64 files existing for Z17 with all z levels up to 17, and those of the 256 existing files for z18 with all levels up to 18.


Hello Laurent,

I'm very happy by your answer. Thank you very much!!!
You give me lot of usefull informations.
I will make tests and will come back here to give you the results.



I have created 4 files for a big area. The 4 files define a big square of 4 little squares.
Each file have zoom from 9 to 17.
Everything is ok when I stay in the area of the file.
When I go on the border I get this:

I have to go on the area of the other file to see the desired map.

I'm going crazy. It's not really what I want.

Is it possible to have a kind of working like online maps (no borders, no pop-up)?
What is the big difference with online maps?



QuoteI have to go on the area of the other file to see the desired map.

It's the reason why it is necessary to have some overlap between maps.

QuoteIs it possible to have a kind of working like online maps (no borders, no pop-up)?

You cannot compare with Online maps. When you are on an online map, you never change map. The map itself covers continuously all the land...
While with online maps, a given map can only provide tiles hat are inside it.



By having this discussion with Laurent I understood a lot of little things about creating maps for OM with Mobac.
However, I didn't understand why Online maps don't have the same popup problem. How files are created on the servers so that everything runs smoothly.
The maps are necessarily stored on computer files. There are surely thousands of them living together and we never get a question asking which maps we want to display when we use these online maps.
If anyone has a technical answer to this weird question I'm interested.


PS to Laurent: I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much 😃!