New beta version 9.x.x

Started by orux, November 24, 2022, 05:41:54 PM

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Quote from: YvanCB on February 12, 2023, 09:37:28 AM

I'm referring to :

I just tried with The problem is not present

I am attaching 2 files:

  • "Test.gpx" is a file downloaded from a website. No problem when I import it in Visugpx.
  • "Exported Test.gpx" is the previous file imported in Oruxmpas, then exported to a GPX file (name Exported File.gpx), then imported in Visugpx. The problem is there.
I have edited the 2 files with an XML editor ==> the issue seems to come from the tag called "Name".
Have a look to the Tag given by Oruxmaps :

<name><![CDATA[Exported Test]]></name>

I think something goes wrong with Oruxmaps. Not important for lot of uses but in my case it's a little bit annoying.


If I upload that file to that website, it seems to read the right name:



There is two ways to see a track in VisuGPX:

  • The way you have used "visualiser une trace"
  • The way I use every time "Créer une trace"
Result is not the same. By my way:

What do you think about this?



Quote from: YvanCB on February 12, 2023, 06:29:22 PM
There is two ways to see a track in VisuGPX:

  • The way you have used "visualiser une trace"
  • The way I use every time "Créer une trace"
Result is not the same. By my way:

What do you think about this?


It does not let me.

It takes me out of the page (I have a user on that website). Using firefox or chrome But the <name><![CDATA[Exported Test]]></name> tag is correct.

Have you asked the support of that website?



I will ask, the developer is a good guy (like you ;)).
But the way is works now comes with a new version around the 21 of December.

PS: Do you agree with me that the name should be "Exported Test"?


Quote from: YvanCB on February 13, 2023, 07:48:23 AM
I will ask, the developer is a good guy (like you ;) ).
But the way is works now comes with a new version around the 21 of December.

PS: Do you agree with me that the name should be "Exported Test"?

Yes, the name should be Exported Test.
The <![CDATA[]]> means in xml language that you can use any character inside the tag, including those special for xml languaje.




You're right Orux! There was a mistake with the website VisuGPX.
The developer of VisuGPX has corrected the problem.
No more trouble :D.


PS: VisuGPX is for me the best website to create and manage tracks for bikes.



In beta 9.7.10  using VTM map viewer Settings - User interface - Cursor - Cursor to bottom does not work. The cursor is in the center.
If I don't use VTM map viewer the option cursor to bottom works!
very strange... :-\


so, SICAMI ? ... what about us who don't understand spanish?


Quote from: kkolesar on February 16, 2023, 03:55:10 PM
so, SICAMI ? ... what about us who don't understand spanish?

Hello, you have the option to select the English language as indicated in the attached image.

Hello, you have the option to select the English language as indicated in the attached image.

We hope that if the website is successful and there are enough visits we can offer more language options

If you find something with an incorrect translation, we are willing to change it.

Thank you



With the PC version:



Hello, from Sicami Tracks (, we would be grateful if you would notify us of any incident, failure or possible improvement on our website.

Thank you so much!!!


Quote from: sica_2022 on February 17, 2023, 12:54:58 PM
Hello, from Sicami Tracks (, we would be grateful if you would notify us of any incident, failure or possible improvement on our website.

Thank you so much!!!

Hola, lo que querrá decir el compañero es que aunque se elija el idioma Inglés, algunos artículos se ven en español y el enunciado de algunos submenús también.


Quote from: kkolesar on February 16, 2023, 03:55:10 PM
so, SICAMI ? ... what about us who don't understand spanish?

you can use the translation option of your favorite browser.The translation offered by the web is not automatic.



Los artículos poco a poco los vamos traduciendo, por desgracia estamos ahora mismo un poco desbordados.

Lo que falte por traducir de menús me preocupa más, debe de ser por que se no lo hayamos visto, revisaremos, pero por favor si ya sabéis algunos que no estén traducidos decidlo por favor.

Muchas graicas de nuevo!!!


Little by little we are translating the articles, unfortunately we are a bit overwhelmed right now.

What remains to be translated from the menus worries me more, it must be because we haven't seen it, we'll review it, but please, if you already know some that aren't translated, please say so.

Thank you very much again!!!