Cannot access GPX tracklog files on Android 13

Started by Stephan, December 21, 2022, 05:22:54 PM

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Hello Orux,

I used OruxMaps for many years and am very satisfied. Also recommended it to some fellow hikers;)

On my previous phone with Android 10 I configured OruxMaps to save tracklogs automatically as GPX files and used NextCloud to upload them automatically to my private cloud. This worked very well.

Now I have got a brand new Pixel phone with Android 13 and I cannot get the same to work any more.

OruxMaps stores all its data in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/files and there does not seem to be an option to change this. I used the SD card before, but Pixel does not support one. Because of the new access restrictions NextCloud can no longer access that place.

I know that NextCloud should be able to access the files using the "manage all files" permission, but they do not seem to want this. On the other hand giving NextCloud write access to the database or other internal data does not sound as a good idea anyway.

But I do not understand well why the exported GPX tracklogs are also in this very restricted folder. I think their only purpose is to provide them for other applications. So wouldn't it be a better idea to have them in a folder in the media hierarchy where other apps such as NectCloud could access them easily?

Kind regards



Quote from: Stephan on December 21, 2022, 05:22:54 PM
Hello Orux,

I used OruxMaps for many years and am very satisfied. Also recommended it to some fellow hikers;)

On my previous phone with Android 10 I configured OruxMaps to save tracklogs automatically as GPX files and used NextCloud to upload them automatically to my private cloud. This worked very well.

Now I have got a brand new Pixel phone with Android 13 and I cannot get the same to work any more.

OruxMaps stores all its data in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/files and there does not seem to be an option to change this. I used the SD card before, but Pixel does not support one. Because of the new access restrictions NextCloud can no longer access that place.

I know that NextCloud should be able to access the files using the "manage all files" permission, but they do not seem to want this. On the other hand giving NextCloud write access to the database or other internal data does not sound as a good idea anyway.

But I do not understand well why the exported GPX tracklogs are also in this very restricted folder. I think their only purpose is to provide them for other applications. So wouldn't it be a better idea to have them in a folder in the media hierarchy where other apps such as NectCloud could access them easily?

Kind regards


hello!! read this and try the trick at the end, maybe it will solve your problem



Oruxmaps is a nightmare with scoped storage, no way to easily share gpx files.
Now I use an old phone with an old Oruxmaps version. Works well.


Quote from: Haran on December 29, 2022, 09:48:05 PM
Oruxmaps is a nightmare with scoped storage, no way to easily share gpx files.
Now I use an old phone with an old Oruxmaps version. Works well.

hello again i think the easiest way to share a gpx It is from the track properties in this way the type of storage does not matter.I show you an example in this link 👇



Really disappointed about scoped storage... Android is becoming too similar to iOS. Android 12 destroyed everything that made it useful and simple.
I understand the limitations of oruxmaps... but I don't accept that android prevents access to a normal file manager.


Just hit this issue as well - quite annoying - wish there would have been an easier and safer way for applications to share file storage access on Android devices

I did found a solution though to sync my track logs to my local NAS on an Android 13 device. I use FolderSyncPro, and the app has now an option to open a permission for a dedicated folder under /Android/data - you have to type in manually the path (Android/data/com.orux.oruxMapsDonate) and then it appears as a user defined folder, and I can set up sync jobs from OruxMaps data folder to my location of choice.

For those interested, you can find some more information in the FolderSynPro documentation online