How follow track compare to proper bike trackers?

Started by josescxavier, February 21, 2023, 04:49:01 PM

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I have a Samsung mobile that I want to use as a gps tracker and to follow tracks with orux maps. Since the paied version is mostly recently that the free one I would like to know what to expect before buy it.

How does the follow track works? It keeps showing an arrow pointint to the track?

Thank you


Hi ,

my advice is start with the free version to see if you like it. When you like it you could buy the pay version. Another advice is read the manual it explains a lot.

Oruxmaps does not tell you which way to go and where to go left or right. You have a map and the gps point a arrow on the map to show you where you are. When you are moving the map moves too so you get a line on the map which shows you where you have been moving.