Current free version 7.0.4 not available in google play.

Started by orux, March 03, 2017, 03:13:50 PM

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Oh, I understand GeMe, I thought you were worried about it being an "unofficial" clone or something like that  ;)

Google can be a huge pain in the arse, so putting the free OruxMaps version back into the store can be a bit of a problem, and it may end up resulting in having the donate version removed, too.

Frankly, there's plenty of scam apps in the Google Play store, from the battery boosters to the magical cleaning apps, a lot of games which all look the same, from weird companies... All of them are there, nobody removes them, and I think it's because they generate revenue for Google and they just look the other way. But apps like OruxMaps get deleted...

Anyway, back into the subject: I tried the IGN version and it's OK for Spanish maps, but I prefer to have the full power of OruxMaps, so I'm using the donate version. I'd rather use the free version and pay Jose directly, because I hate Google making money with this app after what they did, but so far is the only way of having it automatically updated.

Let's hope Google allows the free version back soon.