Current free version 7.0.4 not available in google play.

Started by orux, March 03, 2017, 03:13:50 PM

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Current version not available in google play.

I'm sorry, but Google has removed the free version of google play because they say it violates Google Play's payment policy.

It is available for download on the web version 7.0.4:">//

I'll let you know if I can remove the ban.


Versión actual no disponible en google play.

Lo siento, pero Google ha eliminado la versión gratis del google play porque dicen que viola la política de pagos de Google Play.

Está disponible para descarga en la web la versión 7.0.4:">

Avisaré si consigo eliminar la prohibición.



Hola Orux.

Al pasar de la ultima beta a la 7.0.5 que es la que esta para descargar pierdo la configuración de los botones.

Creía que esta se guardaba en perfiles pero parece que no.

Hay forma de copiar esa config de botones de la beta a esta ?

Muchas gracias.


Quote from: "JCS666"Hola Orux.

Al pasar de la ultima beta a la 7.0.5 que es la que esta para descargar pierdo la configuración de los botones.

Creía que esta se guardaba en perfiles pero parece que no.

Hay forma de copiar esa config de botones de la beta a esta ?

Muchas gracias.

Hola JCS666!

Primero de nada, revisa que hayas creado efectivamente un perfil en la beta. Ve a Perfiles y crea un perfil a partir de los ajustes que desees salvar. Una vez creado el perfil habrás de guardarlo pulsando sobre el icono de "diskette".

Ahora abre la otra versión de Orux, ve a perfiles y pulsa sobre restablecer perfiles. Hecho esto, ya debería aparecer tu perfil y una vez lo selecciones debería cargarse tu configuración.

Ahora y como punto final, y al haber cambiado de versión de Oruxmaps, tienes que tener cuidado con la configuración de los directorios de guardado de mapas, tracks... si en tu caso usas la tarjeta SD como almacenamiento y en función de la versión de android de tu teléfono.

Saludos Josean.


Gracias Josean, muchas gracias, me faltaba el paso de restablecer perfiles, como el perfil lo mostraba creí que lo hacia automáticamente.

Problema resuelto.


Ah, maravilloso Google. Cada vez me tienen más hasta el gorro con sus chorradas. Las apps de estafas bien que las dejan en el Play Store, porque sacan su buen dinerito de ellas. Pones una gratuita con posibilidad de donar y estás "violando" sus términos.

No sé si te servirá de ayuda pero lo mismo le pasó al autor de un programa similar, GPX Viewer, por anunciar la versión Pro en la descripción de la versión gratuita. No sé los detalles pero te puedo poner en contacto con él para saber cómo lo solucionó.

De veras que lo siento, José, esto dificulta la instalación a algunos usuarios y por algo que ni de lejos es cosa tuya. Yo por ejemplo, por un tema que no viene al caso, no puedo instalar APKs en mi terminal principal, pero no tengo problema, usaré alguno de los de reserva para cuando use Oruxmaps.

Menudos merluzos, ya podían dedicar esfuerzos a corregir alguno de los varios miles de bugs que plagan su chiste de sistema operativo en lugar de tener bots tocando las narices a las apps gratuitas. Vergonzoso.


Any news here?

As the new OruxMaps versions support important new mapsforge feature (multilingual and POIs), it would be great to have those versions easily accessible. Especially as OpenAndroMaps is just preparing to promote these, for support it would make it much easier. Thanks!

Best regards,



Yo me la he descargado desde la tienda de Aptoide  ;)



You indicate that your application is no longer on the playstore because there is a payment problem (to have a free and paying one, I suppose)

If this is the main problem at your erasure,

Why not do as youtubeurs and open an account on TEEPEE to ask for donations

Like that, it is "invisible" for the playstore, while having a platform to receive donations



Quote from: "orux"Google has removed the free version of google play because they say it violates Google Play's payment policy

What does this mean? How can a free app violate any payment policy? I really don't understand, sorry!


Quote from: "solitone"
Quote from: "orux"Google has removed the free version of google play because they say it violates Google Play's payment policy

What does this mean? How can a free app violate any payment policy? I really don't understand, sorry!

I do not know either, because they do not give explanations. But I imagine it is because of a button that leads to my web where there is the possibility of donating through a medium that is not theirs.



That's probably the reason, orux, but there are many more possibilities, including a mistake on Google's part. Also, the fact that the donate and free versions are functionally identical, which makes less users have the wish or need of buying the donate version, and I don't think that makes Google happy... How was it, "do no evil"? I suppose that stands except when money is thrown into the equation.

Anyway, as I told a few messages above, I know a guy who was affected by the same problem and got it solved, and I can ask him what he did to at least know the reason why he was thrown out of Google Play.

There's plenty of free apps linking to their pro versions, plenty of apps with hidden buttons for donations outside Google Play, etc. so I think it's possible to get the app back and solve this, if you're interested.

Apparently Google doesn't have such "enforcing spirit" for scamming apps, because they get money from them.


I see, unbelievable!

Thanks, cheers


Hello Orux,

Try to return to Google play, because someone has clone your program at the google play. The app is called "IGN Mapas de España".


GeMe, it's not a clone, but a version Orux made for the Spanish IGN (the National Geographical Institute), it's legit.


Quote from: DervishD post_id=12607 time=1512892947 user_id=2681
GeMe, it's not a clone, but a version Orux made for the Spanish IGN (the National Geographical Institute), it's legit.

I'm not saying if it is legit or not, i'm saying that is a clone... despite the name, everything is equal... Install wizzard, database name(oruxmaps.db), but i like that the app includes at the info the name of the author: Jose Vazquez, and at the play store the wrote that is based on the OruxMaps 6.5.

Maybe a lot of users from oruxmaps, that are not get used to access to the web page, will find the IGN(Instituto Geográfico Nacional) and uninstall Oruxmaps and install that version due to the lack of new version on the Google Play. That was my first impression, that Jose had sell the application to the IGN and he started to work with them...

That would be great because we could access the maps of Spain completely updated...(maybe paying a little fee to use the spanish carthography) :P
