Java error on MOBAC map

Started by Pointaero, March 12, 2023, 11:53:27 PM

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I made a map using MOBAC 2.3.1 64 bit version but get this error when trying to reload maps- '' on a null object reference'.  What is this and how do I avoid it?  The map will not load because of the error.  The other 15 maps in the mapfiles directory work fine.  Is it the 64 bit version of MOBAC?  My other maps were made with the 32 bit version. I used OpenJDK for Java 64 bit runtime but the MOBAC directory says that only GPX tracks have an issue with that software- doesn't mention anything about maps.  I'm using OruxmapsGP 9.6.3GP. I have done the procedure to continue to use the SD card for my maps directory. Shouldn't have an effect, no?


What do you mean exactly when you write "when trying to reload maps" ?


 When I hit the refresh maps button on the maps page.


I would be very very surprised that it may have a link with the fact that the map has been generated in 32 or in 64 bits in MOBAC. Once generated, the resulting map is no more "MOBAC dependent".
The most likely (from far IMHO) is that the map has not been correctly copied from MOBAC atlas folder to your smartphone.
Or that there were a problem during map generation in MOBAC, and the file(s) not correctly created by MOBAC.

First question : which atlas format did you choose for your map : OruxMaps sqlite, or MBTiles ?

If it is MBTiles (the best choice to be used in OruxMaps, according to Jose Vasquez (Orux) himself), the map is made of only one file, [name_of_the_map].mbtiles, that is a sqlite database.
You could try to open it with SQlite db browser ( Does it open ?
If you still have it on MOBAC folder, does original file open ?

If you chose Oruxmaps Sqlite format, map is made of two files in a folder, one is a xml file, and the second a db file, that is also a sqlite db. Do you have the two files on your smartphone ? Does the xml file "looks like" xml file of another (working....) map ? (xml files can be open with any text editor)
And can you open the .db file with SQLiteDbBrowser (mentioned just before) ?
Same questions about original files in MOBAC folder if you still have them.

If you still have the map in Atlas directory of MOBAC, I would suggest to erase it from your smartphone, then copy it again from MOBAC to the smartphone.

And lastly, if you do not have it any more in MOBAC, or if you still have it but even there it is not OK with test mentioned above, try to re-generate it with MOBAC