Altitude Delta current Position and other point in map

Started by Adi445, March 18, 2023, 12:51:08 PM

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I'm trying to get my Oruxmaps to work like it used to in the past. Before, when I turned on my GPS and then went to another point in the map, I saw the distance delta and the altitude Delta. Now I just see the distance delta and instead of the altitude Delta I see degrees.
Do you know how I can change that?
I downloaded the DEM files in Oruxmaps for the region. The Map is from
Oruxmaps version is 9.6.3. GP on Android.

Thanks a lot in advance, I tried for a long time but can't find the solution anywhere.

I attached a screenshot of it.


Hello, a little idea:
1. verify:  global settings -sensors -GPS - use DEM files for altitude
2. on the dashboard you can see Km e Delta m from GPS position and the screen center: you have to move the map so that the place of your interest (for which you want to know the height difference) is placed in the center of the screen


Thanks for the ideas. Dem is activated and the second idea doesn't work as well.


I forgot to mention: you need also track recording ON.

ps: my screenshot with this function workig was made with orux 9.0.4 GP and current 9.7.0beta16,
perhaps you might test 9.7.0beta16 :o


QuoteI downloaded the DEM files in Oruxmaps for the region. The Map is from

sure you have them for the place you are showing?

If you look at the dashboard on your screeenshot, DEM altitude does not show data. This makes me think that there is no DEM for that location.