New beta 7.0.7betaXXX

Started by orux, March 07, 2017, 08:50:26 PM

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->translations updates


->bug correction.


->minor changes.

->bug correction.

:beta9 last beta before an update. I will try to upload that version as free version to google play.

->added an option to share WMS maps with orux. After checking, they will be avilable in a new list.

->bug correction.


->changes in map viewer; improved reponse  todevice rotation (it needs testing).

->export a set of wpts (including attached forms) as csv file.

->bugs correction.


->bug correction

->use a set of polygons as geofences or exclusion zones. Load/create a new map overlay (kml or from your tracks/routes/list). It must have one polygon at least. Maps button-> overlay options->tweak overlay. If there are polygons you should see two new options (geofence and exclusion zone). This feature will work in tracking and recording modes. You should see a new icon in the status bar if that feature is enabled. If you go outside a geofence zone, or inside a exclusion zone, you should hear a beep alert (pending to add new customized sounds).">">free image hosting ebay


->bug correction with multimaps


->translation to galego.

->bug correction


->bug correction


->bug correction

->you can see the wpts of the route/track in the altitude graphics. Change default setting in configuration--user interface--miscellaneous UI--show wpts. in graphics.


->new options in mapsforge POI search: Load search result as pois overlay, altitude from dems,...

->A new warning if oruxmaps is under power saving mode.


->new offline POI search with mapsforge maps (if a .poi file exist in the same folder than the .map file). Map viewer, 'Wpt' button -> 'Search in map' option. You can search by category and/or text. The search bounding box is the map you can see in the map viewer. Experimental, ...


->new tile system with mapsforge maps. Tile size variable, depending on screen density (tile sizes 256, 512, 768, 1024 px). Removed scale factor from settings (letter and icons size still available).



Thx Orux, thx Jose for your work!!

The newer orux versions runs on the old 4.2 phone again perfectly with mapsforge maps !!


First test works well at 440ppi, thanks!

I will test it more and different densities, as this is a pretty massive change. But now mapsforge maps will work better on very high ppi devices.

The zoom level is still showing the equivalent number for 512px tiles, right? I don't think this makes sense for the other tile sizes, as now every size except 512px will show a different scaled view. I would suggest to return to real zoom level numbers.


Quote from: "eartrumpet"First test works well at 440ppi, thanks!

I will test it more and different densities, as this is a pretty massive change. But now mapsforge maps will work better on very high ppi devices.

The zoom level is still showing the equivalent number for 512px tiles, right? I don't think this makes sense for the other tile sizes, as now every size except 512px will show a different scaled view. I would suggest to return to real zoom level numbers.


may be you can test POI search feature in new beta version;

zoom level now is the true map zoom level.



Quote from: "orux"
may be you can test POI search feature in new beta version;

zoom level now is the true map zoom level.

Thanks for both :-)

I was about to ask you for the POIs when you're finished with fixing bugs in the latest release, but the sooner the better.

Looks good at first glance. I think there are a lot of possibilities to use this, but at first I have some optimizations:

- sort categories alphabetical

- sort POIs by distance

- reformat search results for better overview, e.g.:


Name of POI (only this in bold)



More Infos... > (expandable, includes latitude/longitude)

More ideas: show all results in map, address search (by country->city->street->number), search radius (limit to etc.


I am very glad that you decided to implement the function offline POIs search. Making full use of the possibilities of mapforge db.

It 'a function that all, long time, envy to OsmAnd ..

I immediately tested this function and I must say there is still much to do.

Right the implementation comments he said eartrumpet, would add the shortest route to get there, and add altitude data taken from DEM (functions that are important in context mountain...)

I saw that to me does not work "show on the map", but only "creates a waypoint".

It is important that they are shown search results on the map.

Best regard


Quote from: "vancori"I am very glad that you decided to implement the function offline POIs search. Making full use of the possibilities of mapforge db.

It 'a function that all, long time, envy to OsmAnd ..

I immediately tested this function and I must say there is still much to do.

Right the implementation comments he said eartrumpet, would add the shortest route to get there, and add altitude data taken from DEM (functions that are important in context mountain...)

I saw that to me does not work "show on the map", but only "creates a waypoint".

It is important that they are shown search results on the map.

Best regard


Yes it is the initail test, I need to know that all go right about poi database access in different devices/systems.

I am working to improve the functionality offered; it has many possibilities.



Quote from: "vancori"I am very glad that you decided to implement the function offline POIs search. Making full use of the possibilities of mapforge db.

It 'a function that all, long time, envy to OsmAnd ..

I immediately tested this function and I must say there is still much to do.

Right the implementation comments he said eartrumpet, would add the shortest route to get there, and add altitude data taken from DEM (functions that are important in context mountain...)

I saw that to me does not work "show on the map", but only "creates a waypoint".

It is important that they are shown search results on the map.

Best regard

New beta update.

'Show on the map' only center the map in the point; if you want to see a pin, select the other option,



Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas con los ficheros DEM y ahora he actualizado al nougat 7.0 y  sigo igual.

El tema es que orux no los localiza en la la carpeta, si bien cuando accedo a la carpeta con un gestor de archivos si que esta. Tampoco me funciona los mapas en 3D por el mismo motivo.

Utilizo la  tarjeta sim como extensión de memoria interna.

Seria interesante para mi conocer si a alguno os sucede esto



In addition to these issues, that I wrote on the openandromaps forum:"> ... n-the-data">

I did not understand what category you introduced amenity=shelter

Hi vancori

Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "vancori"I am very glad that you decided to implement the function offline POIs search. Making full use of the possibilities of mapforge db.

It 'a function that all, long time, envy to OsmAnd ..

I immediately tested this function and I must say there is still much to do.

Right the implementation comments he said eartrumpet, would add the shortest route to get there, and add altitude data taken from DEM (functions that are important in context mountain...)

I saw that to me does not work "show on the map", but only "creates a waypoint".

It is important that they are shown search results on the map.

Best regard

New beta update.

'Show on the map' only center the map in the point; if you want to see a pin, select the other option,



Quote from: "Lanstronio"Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas con los ficheros DEM y ahora he actualizado al nougat 7.0 y  sigo igual.

El tema es que orux no los localiza en la la carpeta, si bien cuando accedo a la carpeta con un gestor de archivos si que esta. Tampoco me funciona los mapas en 3D por el mismo motivo.

Utilizo la  tarjeta sim como extensión de memoria interna.

Seria interesante para mi conocer si a alguno os sucede esto



No sé porqué, pero la extensión de la sdcard como almacenamiento interno da fallos; algunas apps no encuentran los ficheros, aunque deberían estar ahí.



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "Lanstronio"Desde hace tiempo tengo problemas con los ficheros DEM y ahora he actualizado al nougat 7.0 y  sigo igual.

El tema es que orux no los localiza en la la carpeta, si bien cuando accedo a la carpeta con un gestor de archivos si que esta. Tampoco me funciona los mapas en 3D por el mismo motivo.

Utilizo la  tarjeta sim como extensión de memoria interna.

Seria interesante para mi conocer si a alguno os sucede esto



No sé porqué, pero la extensión de la sdcard como almacenamiento interno da fallos; algunas apps no encuentran los ficheros, aunque deberían estar ahí.


Gracias orux, Lo que comentas tiene muchas posibilidad de ser lo que me sucede. En cuanto tenga un "ratito" voy a cambiar la configuración del movil, dejándolo sin tarjeta SD y probando de esa forma. Pero como indicaba debe de ser eso ya que si abro el gestor d archivos, me voy a la carpeta "dem" marco unpo de los archivo X.dem y le digo que lo abra con orux, en ese momento si que funciona el indicador de  alturas... pero al salirme de la app y volver a abrirla se pierde, como bien dices: "como si no consiguieran encontrar la ruta del archivo". Lo curioso es que siendo la misma ubicación si localizan la ruta por ejemplo de los mapas.


Hola a todos.

Tengo un dispositivo con ANDROID 4.4.2. y he instalado la nueva BETA 7.0.6(4). No me funcionan las herramientas "Compartir Captura" y "Compartir Track".

Un saludo.


hi orux,

thanks for the feature search in POI offline  a great and long missing function !

test search a lot of peaks in my bavarian alps with a 100% quote.

i have only to set the filter to: Natural and i get all what i need.  :)  :)  :)

a qestion to the route planer with brouter:

how can i save the route ?

a sugestion for the maptheme changer funtion: please mark the aktual theme in the list.

thanks alot !


Quote from: "nanu"
thanks for the feature search in POI offline  a great and long missing function !

a sugestion for the maptheme changer funtion: please mark the aktual theme in the list.

thanks alot !



