New beta 7.0.7betaXXX

Started by orux, March 07, 2017, 08:50:26 PM

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Hello Orux,

I found some bugs in application. I found them in final release 7.0.5 Donate, but they are still in latest beta too.

1) In track statistics is enabled all options for graph by default, but if the x-axis is set to distance, the heart rate have to be disabled. After switching between distance and time everything is right.">//">//">//

2) If I export track to GPX and then import it, heart rate data in section where is no movement is lost. In my opinion the section between <om:bpm>...</om:bpm> in GPX file is ignored. Only <extensions><gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension><gpxtpx:hr>......</gpxtpx:hr></gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension></extensions> section is accepted.">//">//

Finally, I have one request for you.

Could you add option to remove AIS sensor from Navigation Drawer, like you did it with APRS and add there external bluetooth GPS sensor?



Aprovechando mi despiste anterior y una vez que descubro mi ignorancia al respecto. Hay en el foro algún tutorial o guia basica de como utilizar la función APRS en oruxmaps. Por lo que entiendo sirve para hacer un seguimiento en vivo del posicionamiento y esto me interesa.



There are two things I recently came upon:

Composite Maps - behaviour changed:

I started using offline composite maps again. With 7.0 and higher, it's now only possible to use the zoom levels which all used maps have in common. E.g. if I use an OpenAndroMap with ZL 1 to 21 combined with a mbtiles map with ZL 12 to 16, the zoom levels available in the composite map are now only 12 to 16. With 6.5.10, I am able to use ZL 1 to 21, with only 12 to 16 having the additional map visible.

I would prefer to have the same behaviour as in 6.5.10.

Even better would be to have an advanced option: "use digital zoom for missing zoom levels of one map", that means a pixel map is zoomed digitally for those zoom levels, that still exist in one map, but not in the other.

Folder change assistant:

At the moment, a user can choose whatever folder he likes, e.g. when setting the maps directory. This only works well for advanced user, who know what they are doing. If you are choosing e.g. a general folder on an external sd card, one might run into problems. The only thing you get is a warning, that OruxMaps can't write in the folder. For example when using an orux-map://-link on OpenAndroMaps - the app can't write to the mapfiles folder when chossing the link.

But there are working options, so why not offer those to a user?

E.g. with a wizard with those options:

( ) standard internal SD folder


( ) standard external SD folder

    (storage/1EE8-1D0C/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/mapfiles) [1EE8-1D0C or whatever number the external SD has]

    WARNING! This folder will be deleted when uninstalling OruxMaps

( ) custom folder (for advanced users)

When using the "custom folder" option and a folder with no write permission for OruxMaps is chosen, don't only show the warning, but give the user the option of Android 5.0 and above to grant write access, like this app does:">

More on this option here:"> ... 0-lollipop">

This would make it a lot easier for novice users to use OruxMaps with external SD cards.


Quote from: "FishDoctor"

Finally, I have one request for you.

Could you add option to remove AIS sensor from Navigation Drawer, like you did it with APRS and add there external bluetooth GPS sensor?

I thought the same, and found that you can remove the AIS sensor from Nav Drawer, by changing the "GPS-AIS-NMEA source" to "BT"


Quote from: "FishDoctor"Hello Orux,

I found some bugs in application. I found them in final release 7.0.5 Donate, but they are still in latest beta too.

1) In track statistics is enabled all options for graph by default, but if the x-axis is set to distance, the heart rate have to be disabled. After switching between distance and time everything is right.">//">//">//

2) If I export track to GPX and then import it, heart rate data in section where is no movement is lost. In my opinion the section between <om:bpm>...</om:bpm> in GPX file is ignored. Only <extensions><gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension><gpxtpx:hr>......</gpxtpx:hr></gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension></extensions> section is accepted.">//">//

Finally, I have one request for you.

Could you add option to remove AIS sensor from Navigation Drawer, like you did it with APRS and add there external bluetooth GPS sensor?



1) -> test last version.

2) -> you are right, only gpxtpx extension is read.

Final request, first question added,



Quote from: "eartrumpet"There are two things I recently came upon:

Composite Maps - behaviour changed:

I started using offline composite maps again. With 7.0 and higher, it's now only possible to use the zoom levels which all used maps have in common. E.g. if I use an OpenAndroMap with ZL 1 to 21 combined with a mbtiles map with ZL 12 to 16, the zoom levels available in the composite map are now only 12 to 16. With 6.5.10, I am able to use ZL 1 to 21, with only 12 to 16 having the additional map visible.

I would prefer to have the same behaviour as in 6.5.10.

Even better would be to have an advanced option: "use digital zoom for missing zoom levels of one map", that means a pixel map is zoomed digitally for those zoom levels, that still exist in one map, but not in the other.

Folder change assistant:

At the moment, a user can choose whatever folder he likes, e.g. when setting the maps directory. This only works well for advanced user, who know what they are doing. If you are choosing e.g. a general folder on an external sd card, one might run into problems. The only thing you get is a warning, that OruxMaps can't write in the folder. For example when using an orux-map://-link on OpenAndroMaps - the app can't write to the mapfiles folder when chossing the link.

But there are working options, so why not offer those to a user?

E.g. with a wizard with those options:

( ) standard internal SD folder


( ) standard external SD folder

    (storage/1EE8-1D0C/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/mapfiles) [1EE8-1D0C or whatever number the external SD has]

    WARNING! This folder will be deleted when uninstalling OruxMaps

( ) custom folder (for advanced users)

When using the "custom folder" option and a folder with no write permission for OruxMaps is chosen, don't only show the warning, but give the user the option of Android 5.0 and above to grant write access, like this app does:">

More on this option here:"> ... 0-lollipop">

This would make it a lot easier for novice users to use OruxMaps with external SD cards.


composite maps-> I received requests in that way. I analyze it again.

folder change-> I think it's a reasonable proposal. But the Storage Access Framework doesn't work to write sqlite databases in external sdcard (maps).



Quote from: "orux"

composite maps-> I received requests in that way. I analyze it again.

Thanks for considering! Maybe just add an option like the multiply effect, [ ] limit to overlapping zoom levels.

There are OpenAndroMaps overview maps for low zoom levels which are meant to be combined with vector maps for higher levels (mbtiles version for this reason is coming), which doesn't work with OruxMaps 7+ anymore.

folder change-> I think it's a reasonable proposal. But the Storage Access Framework doesn't work to write sqlite databases in external sdcard (maps).

So you mean when using the map creator? Would it be possible to cache the map in the internal SD card or private external folder (.../Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps) while creating and then move it to the custom folder?


I found a bug in beta7. After having recorded a track I looked at stats and saw 117 m vertical gain. After a couple of hours I launched again the app and looked at the stats again that were now saying around 140 m. I opened the track manager and chose to correct altitude using local DEMs and it went back to 117!


Tried again today, same weirdness. Before stopping the recording of the track the dashboard showed 150m vertical gain. Stopped the recording, looked at stats and it was 120m. I then completely quit the app and relaunched, looked at stats again and it was 150m. I corrected altitudes using local DEMs and it was 120m again (which I believe is more correct, but I'm not sure). Phone is a Moto X 2014 (2nd gen), it has no barometer and is set to always use local DEMs.

I can send you the track and the DEM, if it can help.



Quote from: "Maki"Tried again today, same weirdness. Before stopping the recording of the track the dashboard showed 150m vertical gain. Stopped the recording, looked at stats and it was 120m. I then completely quit the app and relaunched, looked at stats again and it was 150m. I corrected altitudes using local DEMs and it was 120m again (which I believe is more correct, but I'm not sure). Phone is a Moto X 2014 (2nd gen), it has no barometer and is set to always use local DEMs.

I can send you the track and the DEM, if it can help.



I will check that behaviour.


Tweak overlay:

1. A bit hidden the the little Downarrow to get the List.

The Germann translation should be

"Lufträume" with 2 dots above the a

2. Should here be buttons check all/none/revert?

Is red checked or unchecked


On that overlay I see always overlapping text. Maybe problem of the data file">">">


Hola, creo que en la opción de multitraking, sería muy interesante añadir la posibilidad de alarma cuando un compañero sale del radio, ahora solo ésta la opción de cuando entra. De esta manera en las rutas de grupo podríamos saber cuando nos hemos alejado en exceso y parar a esperar. Gracias, saludos cordiales

Enviado desde mi D6503 mediante Tapatalk



rc updated,



I just upgraded to Donate 7.0.7 at GooglePlayStore. It says that it is activated the Offline POI search function.

But I do not see it!?!...

Quote from: "vancori"I just upgraded to Donate 7.0.7 at GooglePlayStore. It says that it is activated the Offline POI search function.

But I do not see it!?!...

1. You must display a mapsforge map

2. Inside the mapsfolder must be a "country.poi" file

After that you should see the offline search below waypoint tools.