Recording cell coverage

Started by omnicycle, May 02, 2023, 10:06:07 PM

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I'm a hiker and engineer and I'm wondering if there is any way to include network coverage in my route preparation. I'm looking for an open or commercial end-user oriented solution to record and download or visualize coverage data usefull in a mountaineering context, but I couldn't find any acceptable data source.

Am I missing anything?

I'm considering launching an initiative to build coverage maps in my federation's area. Having access to a large number of users, I guess it would be quite doable to crowdsource data for the area and generate a map avery so often. As an open tool already well-known and used among those users, I naturally thought of OruxMaps as a good contender for the job, as I imagine it could save cellular connectivity along with the GPX data when recording a track.

Does this kind of functionnality already exists in OruxMaps?

Any ideas / recommendations?

PS: I speak spanish as well, not sure what's the norm here.


Hello omnicycle,

actually Oruxmaps is able to record the network status when recording a track. You have to enable it via:
global settings - tracks/routes - add network state