Creation of offline map from online map openseamap

Started by Albi, March 21, 2017, 06:05:25 PM

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Hello, I am using OruxMaps v.7.0.5 and want to create an offline map from the online maps "openseamap". In the available manuals of version 6 it is explained that this can be done with the "maps create" button. Unfortunately I cannot find this button in version 7. Can anybody explain why this is not available anymore or where I can find this feature ?


@Albi - I think you need to get the button first...

Please try this: go to "Settings" then "User Interface", then "Buttons", then there should be at the top of the list a option called Button configuration or so - I'm not sure how the exact title of the option is, in the German user interface it is named "Tasten einrichten" but anyway it is the first menue item.

Now you have to find the button showing a map with a small plus sig in the lower right corner - bring this button to your left or right button bar and you should be done.


Thank you for the hint, just found the button.


Hello, I have another problem creating offline maps from openseamap. When creating an offline map the download breaks off very early after around 3 MByte instead of the approx. 500 MByte which should be downloaded. I also tried with less layers and only 250 MByte but the same happens. Any idea what could be the reason ?