French IGN maps (WMS)

Started by opoto, April 26, 2017, 12:15:46 AM

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I am trying to load the French IGN Maps in OruxMaps, which are provided through WMS 1.1.1 or 1.3.0.

You can find the description of the service here:"> ... s/wms.html">

and the layers:"> ... rtail.html">

I used the Orux WMS map creator, and enterd:"><mykey>/geoportail/r/wms?

+ basic auth credentials

(you can get such credentials for free at:">

Orux properly showed the list of layers I have subscribed to, which proves that the communication and authentication with the server worked fine.

But when I click the TEST button, it does not show any image. I debugged a little the requests sent by the app, I found that it sends:,70651420.194014,-102907794.468910,82033832.931893&width=256&height=256&format=image/png"><mykey>/geoportail/r ... =image/png"><mykey>/geoportail/r/wms?version=1.1.1&request=GetMap&Layers=GEOGRAPHICALGRIDSYSTEMS.PLANIGN&styles=&SRS=EPSG:32742&BBOX=-105179711.529105,70651420.194014,-102907794.468910,82033832.931893&width=256&height=256&format=image/png

Which results in a error response from the server:

<ServiceExceptionReport><ServiceException code="InvalidParameterValue">

  bbox invalide


I tried"> to see what this BBOX corresponds to but it displays the full world tiles. I'm new to such encodings, I could not build a correct value to test on my side.

Would there be a problem in OruxMaps with BBOX in EPSG:32742 encoding? Or could the problem be on IGN side?

Why is OruxMaps using this encoding EPSG:32742 by the way? I manually tested with EPSG:4326 encoding and the coordinates given on the IGN specification page, it properly returns an image (white, but this is probably another problem):,3.25167353,47.38545104,3.3048615&width=256&height=256&format=image/png"><mykey>/geoportail/r ... =image/png"><mykey>/geoportail/r/wms?version=1.1.1&request=GetMap&Layers=GEOGRAPHICALGRIDSYSTEMS.PLANIGN&styles=&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=47.34956960,3.25167353,47.38545104,3.3048615&width=256&height=256&format=image/png

Any help on how to solve this issue would be greatly appreciated.



It now works correctly with following WMS config:

URL :"><mykey>/geoportail/r/wms?

+ basic auth credentials (username and password)

Zoom levels: 0 to 18

WMS parameters: &styles=


No luck here. I've tried and entered:<MYKEY>/geoportail/r/wms?

and flagged "https". When I hit OK to get the layers, it complais with: "Error, incompatible level. Check WMS coordinate system."


Hi Opoto.

Is it working for you?

Could you give me more informations about the kind of IGN license do you use and how did you setup the app?

Best regards,




The new beta version supports WMTS maps.

If you have a key, you can use"> WMTS service, with a lot of WMTS maps,



WMS is working fine now, the CRS parameter is now properly set.

Thanks for adding WMTS too!



I'm using "Oruxmaps 7.3.2 Donate" and I'm trying to access IGN maps in online mode. Unfortunately, it does not work.

In WMS, I use the URL "">{my-key}/geoportail/r/wms?" with user/password. I get the error "Error, incompatible level .Check WMS coordinate system."

In WMTS, I use the URL "">{my-key}/geoportail/wmts?" with user/password or the URL "">{my-key}/wmts?" with user/password. In both cases, I can not zoom beyond 40 km.

Can you help me ?

Thanks in advance.



Quote from: Franck@ post_id=14018 time=1534066180 user_id=7865

I'm using "Oruxmaps 7.3.2 Donate" and I'm trying to access IGN maps in online mode. Unfortunately, it does not work.

In WMS, I use the URL "">{my-key}/geoportail/r/wms?" with user/password. I get the error "Error, incompatible level .Check WMS coordinate system."

In WMTS, I use the URL "">{my-key}/geoportail/wmts?" with user/password or the URL "">{my-key}/wmts?" with user/password. In both cases, I can not zoom beyond 40 km.

Can you help me ?

Thanks in advance.


Contact me at



Buenos días,

Estoy teniendo exactamente los mismos problemas que comenta Franck al intentar establecer la conexion wms con Geoportail. Por ejemplo con el servicio wms:"><clave_personal>/geoportail/r/wms?

Introduzco como usuario la dirección de correo electrónico registrada y como contraseña la aportada en la inscripción al IGN. Las URL de los diferentes servicios con la clave personal me llegaron correctamente.

¿Habeis encontrado cual es el problema?

Un saludo




With the new version 7.3.4, access to IGN maps in WMTS works perfectly.

Thank you very much for the patch.




I've just installed latest version 7.3.4. With a previous version (7.0.4 I think), WMTS was not supported. In contrast, with this version when I enter the URL:
I can select the desired layer (e.g. Cartes IGN), and this gives me hope.

Unfortunately, although I fill up the username and password boxes, no tile is downloaded once I try and load the map. Even if I zoom in or out or I move it, no tile gets downloaded.

What's wrong?

BTW, I still have issue with WMS as well:
In this case, I can't even get the capabilities, I have the usual error: Error, incompatible level. Check WMS coordinate system.


Bonjour à tous,

Je n'arrive pas à configurer WMTS.

Que faut il indiquer dans le champ "Paramètres URL", et dans le champ "Ent^te HTTP"?

Si quelqu'un peut me donner un peur d'aide ce serait cool. Grand merci


The post above from solitone mirrors exactly my problems. No tiles are downloaded after configuring WMTS as per the nstructions given by others in this forum. What are we doing wrong? Please help.


Quote from: jimmaestro post_id=14425 time=1539787429 user_id=105
The post above from solitone mirrors exactly my problems. No tiles are downloaded after configuring WMTS as per the nstructions given by others in this forum. What are we doing wrong? Please help.


With a valid key, it is working fine, for example, map -->'Cartes IGN'.

Go to the maps selector view,

then '+' button,

then add a WMTS MAP (online)

then introduce the WMTS url:">   YOUR API KEY IS SOMETHING LIKE (this is an example): i4rxgax2jpnkltoyqdda12cd

then OK, and select a valid layer for your api key, like 'cartes IGN'.

then fill the map name, and create the map.

If all is right, and your KEY is valid for the selected map, you should be able to see the map.



All working. After help from Orux t was plain that the problem lay in my registration details at IGN France. So, if it doesn't work, after the advice given in previous posts, check and re check your IGN details again.