new beta 7.0.13betaX

Started by orux, June 08, 2017, 05:05:15 PM

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This beta includes a new interesting feature, initial support for GeoPDF maps format. Copy the geopdf in the /mapfiles/ folder, then refresh the map list.

-->update to the last version in web site


->added new information to route wpts: distances to beginning, end and next wpt along the route.

->bug corrections.


->first attemp to add support to move some data (maps, tracks, styles, caches, dem files) to SD with write permission.

1.-After installation, if the app detects that you are using folders for the app with no write permission, it will ask permission for accessing the external storage. You have to select a root folder of all oruxmaps folders that you have in the external storage (for example, the root of the SD card).

2.-If you change your app settings, and you select a new folder for your maps, tracks,... and the app detects that can not write in that folder, will ask you permission.

3.-(Not recomended way, because it is too slow). A new setting added in settings--application--migrate to SD. Will move all the data (maps, geocaches, tracks, dem files, styles, overlays) ONLY IF THE DATA IN IN THE INTERNAL STORAGE, to a new oruxmaps/ folder in the external storage. I RECOMMEND TO BACKUP FIRST YOUR ORUXMAPS DATA.

Do not remove old oruxmaps folders from internal storage, because some configuration files, and databases (tracks, map cache) must be there.


->added support to another geopdf map format.

Not all geopdf maps are supported, only those that follow the OGC GeoPDF Encoding Best Practice.

For example the USGS maps from:">//

I need maps for testing; if you know a geopdf map source, share it!



Quote from: "orux"Hello,

This beta includes a new interesting feature, initial support for GeoPDF maps format. Copy the geopdf in the /mapfiles/ folder, then refresh the map list.">//

Not all geopdf maps are supported, only those that follow the OGC GeoPDF Encoding Best Practice.

For example the USGS maps from:">//

I need maps for testing; if you know a geopdf map source, share it!


Orux, en esta web de La Rioja tienes mapas GeoPDF para descargar. Si no en todos los formatos que ofrecen, si que en varias de las ortofotos están disponibles, por lo que veo.

Saludos."> ... &&&lang=es">


Hello, this is a interesting feature.

The german "Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy"

has some geopdf with themes like



  •">Wine and hops

Hope this helps, while it is just something!

@Tobias, have you tried one of that maps.

I tried this and got an error:"> ... onFile&v=1">">


Quote from: "Josean"
Quote from: "orux"Hello,

This beta includes a new interesting feature, initial support for GeoPDF maps format. Copy the geopdf in the /mapfiles/ folder, then refresh the map list.">//

Not all geopdf maps are supported, only those that follow the OGC GeoPDF Encoding Best Practice.

For example the USGS maps from:">//

I need maps for testing; if you know a geopdf map source, share it!


Orux, en esta web de La Rioja tienes mapas GeoPDF para descargar. Si no en todos los formatos que ofrecen, si que en varias de las ortofotos están disponibles, por lo que veo.

Saludos."> ... &&&lang=es">


Los he probado, pero no encuentro por ningún sitio la información de georeferenciación dentro del pdf;

seguiré investigando.



Quote from: "Tobias"Hello, this is a interesting feature.

The german "Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy"

has some geopdf with themes like



  •">Wine and hops

Hope this helps, while it is just something!


GeoPDF is not a unique standard, there are several ways to include georeferencing information.

USGS maps use an OGC recommendation. I have added support for that format.

The maps you have included use another procedure. Now I'm working with those maps to try to support it.



I don't know if these maps are very interesting to be honest.

I couldn't find much of interest, If anything at all.

Perhaps this will be of use for somebody:">evergreen mtb maps


Hi orux.

If setting is on barometer the status of an actual track is ok.

But if saved, the ascent is to low (about 30%).

If setting is on gps, the status of an actual track is to high.

Also if saved as gpx (about 30%).

Also if checked DEM, there is not much difference.

Is it possible to set an own filter for ascent?

Best Regards



Quote from: "ThomasSc"Hi orux.

If setting is on barometer the status of an actual track is ok.

But if saved, the ascent is to low (about 30%).

If setting is on gps, the status of an actual track is to high.

Also if saved as gpx (about 30%).

Also if checked DEM, there is not much difference.

Is it possible to set an own filter for ascent?

Best Regards



You can apply a filter after track creation, if you go to the track->correct altitude.

But default filters should work fine if using barometer; could you share a gpx?



Quote from: "orux"
Quote from: "ThomasSc"Hi orux.

If setting is on barometer the status of an actual track is ok.

But if saved, the ascent is to low (about 30%).

If setting is on gps, the status of an actual track is to high.

Also if saved as gpx (about 30%).

Also if checked DEM, there is not much difference.

Is it possible to set an own filter for ascent?

Best Regards



You can apply a filter after track creation, if you go to the track->correct altitude.

But default filters should work fine if using barometer; could you share a gpx?


Hello orux,

I have sent you a pm.



Muy buenas Orux!

Te comento, aunque supongo que ya estarás al tanto, que la beta 5 ya está lanzando mensaje de que es una beta vieja y que pronto dejara de funcionar.


new message.

If I click accept, I get "no result "

hopefully the beta did not stop working...">">


click cancel...


Hi orux!

excuse me ... I don't know if this is the place to this request. I use oruxmap on MTB and I have a Samsung s7. I have found that the value elevation is always correct but the difference in height total positive is always less than 10% of all the other. Can  you  adjust the calculation algorithmic?

Quote from: "kerékjoe"click cancel...

I know...

But the:

"is near to stop working" making me nervous.

When did this happen?