Access to sd-card under android 7 nougat

Started by GermanGuy, June 16, 2017, 03:48:16 PM

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Hi everyone,

being an absolute newbe here, I don't know how things work.

But after having searched the forum and having asked google on android 7.0 issues intensively, i have to place my problems here:

Having bought a brand new samsung xplorer 4 with android 7.0 nougat on it I do not succeed granting orux the access to the maps on the sd-card.

Allready tried:

1. Defining maps path: sd-card/android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps in orux successfully but generated maps in orux appear on phone/android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps (internal phone storage) viceversa transferred maps to the above mentioned sd-card register do not show up in orux.

2.  successfully formating sd-card with appropriate tool in Android 7. Did not solve the problem.

3. uninstalling - installing orux

4. repeating step 1 - no success

5. Transferring maps from the pc to the phone/android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps (internal phone storage).  Works perfect, but consumes already 20% of the remaining internal storage having transferred only one!!! map.

Any idea how to get orux storing created maps and using transferred maps to/from the sd-card under android 7.0 nougat (as it did before with my previous phone with android  4.4 kitkat )

Will be thankful for any help!!!!  :D

Kind regards



I have also changed my phone to a samsung xcover 4 with android 7 and after installing oruxmaps i had the same problems.

On my phone the solution i found was :

1. install oruxmaps in the normal way

2. go to the phone settings -> apps -> OruxMaps and there change the settings for the memory from internal to external memory. android is working for a while and after that you find that there is a new directory on the external sdcard like android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files. I think this step is necessary because oruxmaps has now read/write access to this new folders.

In my case the folders i have created first on the sdcard by hand are gone and substituted by the empty folders created by android.

3. start oruxmaps and set the storage for maps, waypoint... to root/storage/9016-4EF8/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files/mapfiles...

On you phone the sdcard could named in an other way as on mine 9016-4EF8

Hope this solve your problem.

By the way : on my phone this solution is working for the mapfiles, waypoints, tracks but NOT for the folder "pictures". If you want to cr4eate a photewaypoint, the camera has no access to this filder. But this the next problem i am workin on.



what I have learned:

1) In an ideal world you would create the full path, that includes the correctly named subfolder liek mapfiles, with any data explorer under that path.

So this may NOT work:


but this will:


2) Oruxmaps and OruxmapsDonate install into different folders. So if you did upgrade you have to move your maps as well to the new folder com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/files

3) Oruxmaps does not update any data folder view (maps, tracks, ...) when opening a dialog, there is always an Update button to push (two bent arrows) to refresh the display/list

4) LOADING a track from gpx/kml is only temporary, the track will NOT show up in the track list until it is IMPORTED to the database (permanently). The tracks list is a database view, NOT a folder view.



Hi all,

I migrated my 5 year old Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android 4.3) to LineageOS 14.1 (Android 7.1.2). Have spent many hours getting familiar with things like root access, custom recovery and so on, but finally I decided to go for it. When asked whether I wanted my SD-card to be formatted for internal or external use, I went for internal. This will make the SD-card available for installing apps and storing data like maps.

Except a minor WLAN issue (no auto connect after WLAN off in standby) everything works fine. Got rid of all Samsung bloatware. More free storage, lower battery consumption. OruxMaps 7.0.17 with OpenAndroMaps is running great! Amazing how such an old phone can get a 2nd life!
