WMS with other EPSG than 4326

Started by wirring, June 29, 2017, 03:55:43 PM

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It would be great if it was possible to use the Wms on other projections  /datums than just 4326.




Quote from: "Holton181"+1

Now it works also with UTM epsg,s, but it will work soon (in a few days a beta) with more epsg.



The map I would like to ad is in EPSG 3006. It's the free-to-use maps from the Swedish Lantmäteriet:

https://www.lantmateriet.se/en/Maps-and-geographic-information/Geodata-services/Visningstjanster/#faq:topografisk-webbkarta-visning-cc-by">Topografisk webbkarta Visning, CC BY

(in Swedish though)

It's in WMTS unfortunately, isn't suported in OM yet if I'm not wrong?

Any plans for WMTS suport?

To do the forbidden...

Locus do support this map from Lantmäteriet. http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/swedish-lantm%C3%A4teriet-opens-free-api-for-their-data">Here is the thread eventually leading to it.

(I don't use Locus though)


You can also see my comment http://www.oruxmaps.com/foro/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2665">her



the last beta version adds support to any EPSG coordinate systems (Or at least the majority)




I have just installed the lasted Oruxmaps Version 7.1.6. Does this now support the EPSG coordinate System and therefore the the Swedish Lantmäteriet map? Would be great if someone could tell me what exactly I have to add to the onlinemapsources.xml file to get this map works.




Heiko, I have not been able to get the lantmäteriet maps to work. I believe it's due to the fact that they are in WMTS, a newer format not supported by oruxmaps yet.

But a nice guy at utsidan.se have done an incredible work and used lantmäteriets open data to reconstruct their maps in offline format!

His blog:


His maps:





Quote from: Holton181 post_id=12509 time=1510867271 user_id=1713
Heiko, I have not been able to get the lantmäteriet maps to work. I believe it's due to the fact that they are in WMTS, a newer format not supported by oruxmaps yet.

But a nice guy at utsidan.se have done an incredible work and used lantmäteriets open data to reconstruct their maps in offline format!

His blog:


His maps:




Hello, a WMTS can be used as an online source, if they support google like projection (TileMatrixSet=GoogleMapsCompatible), an example:

<url><![CDATA[http://www.ign.es/wmts/pnoa-ma?request=getTile&layer=OI.OrthoimageCoverage&TileMatrixSet=GoogleMapsCompatible&TileMatrix=%7B$z%7D&TileCol=%7B$x%7D&TileRow=%7B$y%7D&format=image/jpeg">http://www.ign.es/wmts/pnoa-ma?request= ... image/jpeg">http://www.ign.es/wmts/pnoa-ma?request=getTile&layer=OI.OrthoimageCoverage&TileMatrixSet=GoogleMapsCompatible&TileMatrix={$z}&TileCol={$x}&TileRow={$y}&format=image/jpeg]]></url>




Quote from: "orux"
Hello, a WMTS can be used as an online source, if they support google like projection (TileMatrixSet=GoogleMapsCompatible), an example:

<url><![CDATA[http://www.ign.es/wmts/pnoa-ma?request=getTile&layer=OI.OrthoimageCoverage&TileMatrixSet=GoogleMapsCompatible&TileMatrix=%7B$z%7D&TileCol=%7B$x%7D&TileRow=%7B$y%7D&format=image/jpeg">http://www.ign.es/wmts/pnoa-ma?request= ... image/jpeg">http://www.ign.es/wmts/pnoa-ma?request=getTile&layer=OI.OrthoimageCoverage&TileMatrixSet=GoogleMapsCompatible&TileMatrix={$z}&TileCol={$x}&TileRow={$y}&format=image/jpeg]]></url>


Good to know WMTS work. Unfortunately the Swedish Lantmäteriet maps are not compatible then due to the Google requirement.



About a year ago you mentioned that OruxMaps supports the majority of EPSG definitions.

The official source in The Netherlands for WMTS-services (PDOK) mainly uses EPSG:28992 (for WMS mainly EPSG: 4326 is used). EPSG:28992 maps can be used by Oruxmaps. However, the positionshift towards WGS84 is not carried out in this definition, resulting in placement of the GPS-cursor of Oruxmaps on a slightly "wrong" position on the map. You can find an example with images here: http://www.qgis.nl/2011/12/05/epsg28992-of-rijksdriehoekstelsel-verschuiving/">//http://www.qgis.nl/2011/12/05/epsg28992-of-rijksdriehoekstelsel-verschuiving/ . The text is in Dutch, but you will probably understand the formulas mentioned there.

Another link in Dutch describing the shift is: http://blog.openstreetmap.nl/index.php/2012/01/21/rd/">//http://blog.openstreetmap.nl/index.php/2012/01/21/rd/

A link wich describes the same problem in English is: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/180118/difference-in-epsg28992-rd-amersfoort-definitions">//https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/180118/difference-in-epsg28992-rd-amersfoort-definitions

My question is: is it possible to change OruxMaps in such way, that this correction can be taken into account?




Quote from: NAVTAC post_id=14011 time=1533967312 user_id=59

About a year ago you mentioned that OruxMaps supports the majority of EPSG definitions.

The official source in The Netherlands for WMTS-services (PDOK) mainly uses EPSG:28992 (for WMS mainly EPSG: 4326 is used). EPSG:28992 maps can be used by Oruxmaps. However, the positionshift towards WGS84 is not carried out in this definition, resulting in placement of the GPS-cursor of Oruxmaps on a slightly "wrong" position on the map. You can find an example with images here: http://www.qgis.nl/2011/12/05/epsg28992-of-rijksdriehoekstelsel-verschuiving/">//http://www.qgis.nl/2011/12/05/epsg28992-of-rijksdriehoekstelsel-verschuiving/ . The text is in Dutch, but you will probably understand the formulas mentioned there.

Another link in Dutch describing the shift is: http://blog.openstreetmap.nl/index.php/2012/01/21/rd/">//http://blog.openstreetmap.nl/index.php/2012/01/21/rd/

A link wich describes the same problem in English is: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/180118/difference-in-epsg28992-rd-amersfoort-definitions">//https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/180118/difference-in-epsg28992-rd-amersfoort-definitions

My question is: is it possible to change OruxMaps in such way, that this correction can be taken into account?




The map should be positioned right if the EPSG is correct. The shifts should be used when the map is placed.

Where is the link to the WMTS maps?




An example is the WMTS OpenTopo map of The Netherlands. Link to the page with all details is: https://www.pdok.nl/geo-services?articleid=1957162#a01ca90c0627c2e54e6095bbff50cad2">//https://www.pdok.nl/geo-services?articleid=1957162#a01ca90c0627c2e54e6095bbff50cad2 .


In my first message I didn't mean that OruxMaps is not applying the shift. The shift to WGS84 is not part of the EPSG:28992 definition.

I wil e-mail you two images. Both are from PDOK WMTS-services. The OpenTopo map uses EPSG:28992, the photo-map also has EPSG:4326 defined.





I installed the beta you've sent and prepared WMTS for both the OpenTopo- and the Airphoto-maps of PDOK. OruxMaps now shows the correct, same position on both maps. Well, almost correct: GPS-results are very unstable tonight at my present position.

Thanks for solving this problem and for the fast reaction !




This morning I installed the last Donate version (7.3.4).

All PDOK WMTS-maps of The Netherlands - as previously discussed - are shown correctly.

However, I observe another problem now.

Historic maps (1815 to 2015, as shown on website http://topotijdreis.nl/">//http://topotijdreis.nl/) are now shifted about 2 km to the East in OruxMaps. In the previous version of Oruxmaps Donate they were shown correctly.

E.g. this url gives the layers for 1982:

http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjHpEZZbRo/arcgis/rest/services/Historische_tijdreis_1982/MapServer/WMTS">http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjH ... erver/WMTS">http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjHpEZZbRo/arcgis/rest/services/Historische_tijdreis_1982/MapServer/WMTS?

You can change the year in the url to obtain the layers for another year.

The mapprojections are in RD Netherlands (Rijksdriehoekstelsel). Capabilities are shown here: http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjHpEZZbRo/arcgis/rest/services/Historische_tijdreis_1982/MapServer/WMTS/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml">//http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjHpEZZbRo/arcgis/rest/services/Historische_tijdreis_1982/MapServer/WMTS/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml




Quote from: NAVTAC post_id=14074 time=1534761578 user_id=59

This morning I installed the last Donate version (7.3.4).

All PDOK WMTS-maps of The Netherlands - as previously discussed - are shown correctly.

However, I observe another problem now.

Historic maps (1815 to 2015, as shown on website http://topotijdreis.nl/">//http://topotijdreis.nl/) are now shifted about 2 km to the East in OruxMaps. In the previous version of Oruxmaps Donate they were shown correctly.

E.g. this url gives the layers for 1982:

http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjHpEZZbRo/arcgis/rest/services/Historische_tijdreis_1982/MapServer/WMTS">http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjH ... erver/WMTS">http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjHpEZZbRo/arcgis/rest/services/Historische_tijdreis_1982/MapServer/WMTS?

You can change the year in the url to obtain the layers for another year.

The mapprojections are in RD Netherlands (Rijksdriehoekstelsel). Capabilities are shown here: http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjHpEZZbRo/arcgis/rest/services/Historische_tijdreis_1982/MapServer/WMTS/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml">//http://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nSZVuSZjHpEZZbRo/arcgis/rest/services/Historische_tijdreis_1982/MapServer/WMTS/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml




That map uses the same projection than the others, but using a crazy corner:

The historical map, EPSG:28992

<TopLeftCorner>-3.05155E7 3.1112399999999993E7</TopLeftCorner> That point is at (lat/lon) -25°41'23.677", -149°26'33.354" This confuses the app a bit; I don't know why they have selected that far projection point.

The topo map, EPSG:28992

<TopLeftCorner>-285401.92 903402.0</TopLeftCorner>

I have solved it for the next version.
