Online mapsources and MOBAC mapsouces for several countries

Started by Hauke, July 03, 2017, 10:27:46 AM

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Dear all,

I'm Hauke from Germany. I am a passionate hiker and use OruxMaps a lot! I use MOBAC for preparing offline maps and only recently discovered I can also add online maps to OruxMaps directly. Over the years my map creation processes developed quite a bit, and I decided to share it with the community. So if you are interested in

  • Creating MOBAC offline maps from the official governmental maps,
    • Adding a POI and landuse features layer from OpenStreetMap data to that maps or
    • Including the official maps into OruxMaps as online maps

    drop by">here.

    As of this post I cover

    • for Austria
    • NGI maps for Belgium
    • for Denmark
    • for Luxembourg
    • IGN France
    • WebAtlasDE for Germany
    • for the Netherlands
    • SwissTopo for Switzerland

    Just be aware that many of these mapsources will require a registration, but all are free, and all but SwissTopo practically without limitations. However, I'd strongly recommend to keep usage to a reasonable limit, since abuse will most certainly cause the service providers at some point to block OruxMaps or charge fees.

    Over time I'll add other countries.

    I've one question - perhaps someone can answer: Does the wms_services.xml support something like the <httpparam> tag in onlinemapsources.xml? I'd need to add a header to the SwissTopo-mapsource, which as of now you'll need to integrate directly via OruxMaps since it requries username and password.

    Thanks for your help!

    Kind regards
