Not a bug, but a suggestion ...

Started by kkolesar, May 24, 2024, 12:26:00 AM

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I recently witnessed a serious cycling accident where we had to call a doctor and an ambulance. I used the Oruxmaps to send the location of the accident to the doctor, but there was a problem, because the doctor could not open the link (he was opening the Oruxmaps link without app) and because he did not see that the message contained basically two links to display location on the map (Google maps and Oruxmaps) . The message with all the coordinates and the text is very opaque, so with a bad experience from a real situation, I would suggest that the message contains only text - for example: 'Open in Google maps' and 'Open in Oruxmaps' and, if someone needs it, 'Copy coordinates'.

It would be small but big improvement of using app to make this message somehow more transparent and understandable also to non-users of the Oruxmaps application.

I hope my opinion will be useful.




If it is not possible to add "Open in Google Maps" as a clickable link, it may be interesting to add each coordinate link as a header text.
I think your suggestion is simple and helpful.