Maps with MOBAC

Started by YvanCB, June 03, 2024, 07:05:42 AM

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A simple question: When I create a map withe sevaral tiles for Oruxmaps with Mobac, should I have to create these one with overlaps between the tiles?
If yes how I choose the overlap?
The idea is to have no discontinuity when changing tiles.


I hope I understand your question correctly - in MOBAC, the offline maps created consist of anything between 1 and several thousand tiles, depending on area and zoom levels selected. Within one zoom level, the tiles are exactly side by side, no overlap. I am crating MOBAC offline atlas files since ages for MOBAC, and until recently I used the OruxMaps SQLite format. I now realized that also MBTiles is working with OruxMaps, but both store the tiles as exactly matching images.
If you want to create mutiple maps/offline files for adjecent regions, my personal recommendation would be to have these maps overlap. How much overlap IMHO depends on the planned usage: If you walk, cycle or drive, the overlap should be so that you would not need to switch maps every few minutes when moving along the map's edge - for hiking I guess I'd choose 2-4 km, for cycling 15 km or so and when driving perhaps - dunno - 25 km?


Thank you for your very interesting answer. I have used overlapped maps since a long time but there was an issue when I was in the overlapped area. OM asked me very often what map I wanted to use. I think the problem was due to the fact that overlapped maps were not created in the same date and that that images were different for the same area.
I have re-created all my overlapped maps, now the shown overlapped areas are the same, it seems there is no more issue.